The Heckington Parish Council comprises the following personnel:

Position Incumbent Contact Details
Clerk Ms Heidi Wilson

Parish Council Chambers
St Andrews Street
NG34 9RE

M:  07459 707013

Chair Colin Spencer Via the Clerk
Vice-Chair Andy Garlick Via the Clerk
Councillor and Chair of Finance Committee Sue Tucker Via the Clerk
Councillor Terry Atkinson Via the Clerk
Councillor Dawn Bell Via the Clerk
Councillor Andrew Davison Via the Clerk
Virginia O' Connor Via the Clerk
Councillor Nigel Stanley Via the Clerk
Councillor Kevin Thorpe Via the Clerk
Councillor Christine Collard Via the Clerk
Village Caretaker Andrew Ward Via the Clerk

Office Opening Hours - Appointments not necessary

Monday - CLOSED

Tuesday 09:00 till 12:00

Wednesday 16:00 till 20:00

Thursday 09:00 till 12:00

Friday - CLOSED

The office will be open on the third Saturday of the month 10:00 till 13:00

North Kesteven
District Councillors

Position Vacant

NKDC webpage (TBN)

Mrs Sally Tarry

NKDC webpage
County Councillor

Andrew Key

LCC webpage