July 2021 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting of Heckington Parish Council held in Heckington Village Hall, High Street, Heckington on Monday 26th July 2021 commencing at 1930hrs
Chairman - P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer
Parish Councillors – Mr T Atkinson, Mr R Doughty, Mr A Garlick, Mr R Higgs, Mr M Jones, Mr R Kemmett, Mrs S Tucker, Mr M West, Mr R Woods
County Councillor – Mr Andrew Key
District Councillors – Mr S Ogden
Minute Taker – Clerk, Ms J Hudson
Police Representative – None present
Press Representative – None present
Members of the Public – 5
1. Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks
1.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and went through Health & Safety, fire procedures etc
1.2 She explained that the Parish Council email system had been hacked and also that there had been an unfortunate period where the office had no phone system nor internet.
1.3 She remarked that, despite the differing opinions, the Heckington Show appeared to go very well.
1.4 She reported that a reply from St Andrews Church was still awaited in respect of maintenance to the churchyard walls etc.
2. To receive apologies for absence
2.1 District Councillor Mrs S Tarry had presented her apologies.
3. To receive a declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
3.1 None received
4. To consider any requests for dispensation received at or before the start of the meeting
4.1 None received
5. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 28th June 2021
5.i Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Kemmett and seconded by P/Cllr Mrs S Tucker
5.i.2 Vote results – 10 x for - unanimous
5.i.3 Resolved – To approve minutes as above
5.ii Matters arising – update on plans for HM The Queen celebrations 2022 – No update
5.iii Matters arising – general - None
6. Public Participation – 15 minutes will be set aside for Members of the Public to make comments or suggestions. The Chairman reserves the right to limit each individual to a maximum of 3 minutes. No decisions will be taken on any issues raised, and items may be carried forward to the next meeting’s agenda.
6.1 A resident asked to comment on item 18 ‘To discuss the way forward for the ‘old play park’ are. He commented that it was a magnet for Anti-social behaviour, including recent graffiti and broken fencing, and that the area was in urgent need of a ‘tidy up’. He hoped that this would be discussed at item 18 and the Chairman confirmed it would be.
6.2 Another resident reported sight of a number of older youths mis-using the children’s play equipment in the new area.
6.3 P/Cllr Mr R Higgs reported that the new gates were yet to be supplied and he confirmed that CCTV (based in the Pavilion) did cover the new play area. It was commented that signage was neither adequate nor easily seen, and a suggestion was made that new, more visible signs warning of CCTV could be prominently displayed to discourage mis-use of equipment. P/Cllr Mr Higgs to investigate (subsequently new signage has been ordered for display at the play park).
6.4 Another resident reported a bar stool appeared to have been thrown in a tree near the footpath – the Chairman would get the Caretaker to remove it.
7. Financial Matters (all relevant documents previously emailed to Councillors for their information)
7.i.1 To approve payments as listed –
7.i.2 The Chairman detailed the reasons for the purchase of a new office printer (1st line).
7.i.3 Proposed by P/Cllr Mr A Garlick and seconded by P/Cllr Mr M West
7.i.4 Vote results – unanimous
7.i.5 Resolved – there being no queries with the above payments, they are accepted
7.ii To review quarterly figures and compare actual spend versus budget
7.ii.1 The following quarterly figures had been previously emailed to Councillors
7.ii.3 No queries were raised and so it was proposed by P/Cllr Mr A Garlick and seconded by P/Cllr Mr R Woods to accept and approve the figures
7.ii.4 Vote results – unanimous
7.ii.5 Resolved – that the figures above be accepted and approved as the financial 1st quarter figures
7.ii.6 The Chairman also confirmed that although everything was on track so far, the Nilfisk machine was again experiencing mechanical issues which may take spending over budget for this item.
7.ii.7 She also confirmed that even though the overall bank balances look very good, circa £101K of the total is already ringfenced as previously agreed.
7.ii.8 The Clerk informed the Councillors that the Public Liability Insurance renewal quote had just been received and that there were 2 options with Came & Company, Insurance brokers – An annual renewal for the cost of £2,376.02, or a 3 year fixed renewal for the annual cost of £2,259.72, with Hiscox.
7.ii.9 P/Cllr Mr R Higgs reported that he had investigated other insurance companies and that this was a very comparable price. He reported that we had always had good service from Came & Co and that we can amend the policy with little or no additional cost.
7.ii.10 Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs and seconded by P/Cllr Mr M West
7.ii.11 Vote results – unanimous
7.ii.12 Resolved – to accept the renewal quote from Came & Company for a 3 year renewal fixed cost of £2,259.72 with Hiscox
8. Receive a report from the Police
8.1 No police presence, but the Chairman reminded everyone that a PCSO surgery was being held on the Village Green, this Friday between 10 and 2pm and another on Saturday 21st August.
9. Receive a report from the County and District Councillors
9.1 County Councillor Mr A Key reported the following –
9.1.1 He gave praise to both the Heckington Show Committee and the village as a whole for this year’s Show in such difficult circumstances.
9.1.2 He reported that he was now a Member on two LCC scrutiny committees – Adult Wellbeing and Public Protection.
9.1.3 He confirmed that he had been contacted by one resident directly about the new road junction layout on the Sleaford Road/A17 and commented that it was probably the best solution for this junction, especially when people get used to driving it.
9.1.4 He also confirmed that further ‘dust’ had been spread on the new surface dressing around Godson Avenue areas due to the hot weather. A highways representative is due to re-inspect the area and potentially arrange for another sweep.
9.2 District Councillor Mr S Ogden reported the following –
9.2.1 Confirmation has been received that the area of grass along Church Road, being the subject of a previous report and suggestion by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs, is in fact an LCC area of responsibility – Clerk to contact LCC with details of proposal.
10. Receive a report from the Clerk
10.i The Clerk confirmed that one of the applicants for the Co-Option process was not able to attend tonight’s meeting, and so a postponement to the September meeting had been suggested and agreed by both applicants.
10.ii The Clerk confirmed that a letter had been sent to the resident where damage had been caused by the Council strimmer on 30th June, however, the invoice for cost of repairs had not yet been received.
11. Receive reports from Councillors relating to their affiliation to local organisations
11.1.1 P/Cllr Mr A Garlick reported that Trees for Heckington were still keen to plant the donated oak sapling on the grassed area on Godson Avenue/Mulberry Walk. He had checked with NKDC who indicated that it would be suitable to plant it near the central hedgerow. No immediate action planned.
12. Planning Matters
(The Chairman pointed out that the application withdrawn at item 12.4 (19/0606/FUL) was the original planning application submitted by the previous owner of Heckington Manor. For legal purposes, it has to be withdrawn before any new application is made for the same site.)
12.1 Previous applications to be ratified
12.1.i 21/0735/CCC – Planning permission and Listed Building Consent is sought to regulate the removal of the shades to protect the building, for a temporary period, and the re-installation of the shades within a period of three years – The Mill, 6 Hale Road, Heckington
12.1.ii 21/1006/TCA – T1 sycamore – crown lift to 4 metres & clear building by 2 metres; T2 & T3 conifers – remove; - fell; G1 Birch, Walnut (over garden) & 3 fruit tees – deadwood, remove branch away from greenhouse. 26 High Street, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9QZ
12.1.iii 21/0949/HOUS – Installation of replacement windows and front door – 32 Church Street, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9RJ
12.1.iv 21/0968/FUL – Rear extension and raising of roof height to create additional floor space – 40 Hale Road, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9JW
12.1.v 21/0821/FUL – Residential development of up to 8 dwellings – Land off Burton Road, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire
12.1.vi Amended details – Erection of dwelling 21/0944/FUL – Land adjacent to 32A Sleaford Road, Heckington, Sleaford – slight repositioning of dwelling (2m West)
12.2 Applications approved
12.2.i 21/0628/FUL – Erection of extensions to main stable building and installation of lighting to existing arena – Stable Happy Valley (sic), Heckington Road
12.3 Applications rejected
12.3.i None received
12.4 Applications withdrawn
12.4.i (see Chairman’s comments above at 12.1) 19/0606/FUL – conversion and refurbishment and part demolition and rebuild of existing manor building into two semi-detached dwelling houses, conversion and refurbishment and part demolition and new build of existing annex building into single detached dwelling, demolition works to buildings and demolition and part rebuild to existing boundary walling and erection of 12 new build two storey detached dwellings to new highway provision – Heckington Manor, Cowgate, Heckington
12.5 Prior notifications received (Information only – no action required by HPC)
12.5.i None received
12.6 Planning Appeals
12.6.i None received
13. To discuss Speed Awareness Initiatives
13.1 The Chairman and Councillors confirmed previous receipt of emails with two detailed reports from the Speedwatch team and also one from C/Cllr Mr A Key.
13.2 She formally thanked both on behalf of the Councillors for their efforts and enthusiasm to reduce occasions of speeding, and suggested that all 3 agenda points be discussed as linked, and to fully consider the Speedwatch comments. She also invited any more willing volunteers who would like to help to contact the office.
13.3 It was discussed that the ‘village gateways’ were an effective way of slowing drivers entering the village, and that 2 gates posted at either end of the B3194 (2 x Sleaford Road and 2 x Boston Road) would be ideal.
13.4 As per C/Cllr Mr A Key’s report, the Chairman confirmed that their specific location would need to be approved by both LCC and the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (to ensure maximum benefit and minimum visual impairments), and that they had to be professionally erected.
13.5 P/Cllr Mr R Woods suggested that a resident in Side Bar Lane had previously expressed agreement that a permanent pole be erected on his road-side property, which could be used as a location for the unmanned Speed Indicator Device (SID).
13.6 Purchase of an additional SID was discussed and it was generally agreed that having 2 devices would mean wider coverage, although P/Cllr Mr R Higgs suggested that the model currently used was of more benefit, rather than the type used at South Kyme. Price paid for original purchase approx. 5 years ago was £2.5K.
13.7 Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by P/Cllr Mr R Woods
13.8 Vote results – 9 x for, 1 x against (ST) – majority wins
13.9 Resolved – to research and purchase ‘village gateways’ (subject to permissions for siting) up to the value of £3,000 for purchase and installation, and to purchase additional SID of the same model as the original purchase (Clerk to obtain up to date costings to email Councillors prior to ordering device).
14. To consider request from RBL to hold a fund raising stall on the Village Green 6th and 13th November 2021.
14.1 The Chairman confirmed that the event was to raise funds for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.
14.2 Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Doughty, seconded by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs
14.3 Vote results – unanimous
14.4 Resolved – to grant permission as detailed above, on condition that relevant Public Liability Insurances are in place.
15. To discuss allotments – sizes of plots, numbering plots, planned inspections
15.1 An allotment holder had made a request to the office to reduce the size of his plot from ½ plot to ¼ plot as he was finding it difficult to maintain.
15.2 Councillors generally agreed that the tenants themselves should consider whether they can maintain the size of plot when offered and that the current layout should not be changed.
15.3 The Chairman and P/Cllr Mr M West indicated that having visited the site over the last few weeks, some were in a poor state of maintenance.
15.4 It was summarised that last year, due to Covid restrictions, leeway was given, but that current guidance is less restricted.
15.5 It was suggested that a generic letter be sent to all holders reminding them of their duty to keep the plots cultivated and weed free, and that another formal inspection should be carried out in about 4 weeks’ time, with individual letters going to specific plot holders.
15.6 The Chairman confirmed that some new numbering posts had been erected to replace damaged ones
15.7 Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Doughty, seconded by P/Cllr Mr A Garlick
15.8 Vote results – unanimous
15.9 Resolved – to refuse request to reduce plot size and to send generic letter to all tenants prior to a re-inspection in about 4 weeks’ time.
16. To receive update of cemetery alarm and modification to kissing gate to enable easier access
16.1 Following receipt by email of a report by Cllr Mr R Higgs, Councillors agreed to the proposal to widen the pedestrian gate.
16.2 Proposed by Cllr Mrs J Palmer, seconded by Cllr Mr T Atkinson
16.3 Vote results – unanimous
16.4 Resolved - To remove one small section of metal railing and make good the concrete area to enable easier wheelchair/mobility scooter access.
16.5 Cllr Mr R Higgs also presented his report in relation to alarm and security system for the cemetery buildings, within which outlined 3 quotes for works.
16.6 Cllr Mrs J Palmer declared an interest in this item, as a customer of one of the companies.
16.7 Councillors discussed the various quotes.
16.8 Cllr Mr R Higgs proposed using A1 (Option 2), seconded by Cllr Mr R Kemmett
16.9 Vote results – unanimous (Cllr Mrs J Palmer did not comment or vote)
16.10 Resolved – to accept the following quote for cemetery security- A1 Fire & Security Solutions Ltd.
Installation cost of £720 + VAT. Option 1 is self monitoring through mobile phone app. Annual charge of £115 + VAT. Option 2 is connected to monitoring station. Annual charge of £120 + VAT
17. To discuss recent localised and international flooding incidents
17.i Emergency planning
17.i.i No specific update to Emergency Plan, although Cllr Mr A Garlick suggested that Anglian Water be requested to do a survey of the central village drainage system.
17.i.ii The Chairman reported that although Highways had confirmed that the Banks Lane drain was to be flushed through, she had written again to Highways to suggest an inspection is required prior to flushing as the drain is still full of dried tar from the resurfacing. She also remarked that previous ‘flushings’ had not been successful.
17.i.iii Photographs of the worst drains to be taken, including the one adjacent to the pharmacy which always appears full.
17.ii Sale of Flood Barriers on Village Green/possible surgeries to co-incide with Police surgeries.
17.ii.i Cllr Mrs J Palmer suggested holding a ‘surgery’ on the Village Green to co-incide with the ones organised by the local Police, at which the Flood Barriers could be made available for residents to purchase.
17.ii.ii Cllrs Mr R Woods, Mr R Higgs and Mrs S Tucker volunteered to assist and a resident offered the use of a gazebo.
17.1 Proposed by Cllrs Mrs J Palmer, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Tucker
17.2 Vote results – unanimous
17.3 Resolved – to hold surgeries and sell Flood Barriers as detailed above.
18. To discuss the way forward for ‘old play park’ area
18.1 It was confirmed that the new owners of the Heckington Manor would like permission to gain access for construction vehicles via Howell Road as previously agreed with the previous owners.
18.2 It was generally agreed that the area is in need of ‘tidying’ in the meantime to avoid attracting acts of ASB and vandalism.
18.3 Small roundabout needs removing as does the rubber matting, which is likely to need heavy machinery to lift up.
18.4 Cllr Mrs S Tucker suggested that the area be turned into a sensory garden, although it was also suggested that the area to the right of the Pavilion might be more suitable for this purpose, leaving the old play park area as additional parking.
18.5 The Chairman gave dispensation for C/Cllr Mr A Key to speak during this item, and he confirmed details of a scheme being offered by Balfour Beattie whereby they have pledged a certain number of volunteer workforce hours/days for projects.
18.6 Proposed by Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by Cllr Mr A Garlick
18.7 Vote results – unanimous
18.8 Resolved – that C/Cllr Mr A Key can put this project forward for consideration of the ‘workforce’ pledge.
18.9 Cllr Mr R Higgs confirmed that the piles of hardcore to the right of the Pavilion were intended to be used during current works to Pavilion boiler room etc. and that the nettles were doing an efficient job of keeping younger persons off the area.
18.10 It was generally agreed to postpone the clear up of this area until September and Cllr Mrs S Tucker expressed an interest in leading the project.
19. To received general correspondence
19.i. email from LCC regarding update of Holdingham roundabout – info only – previously circulated to Councillors.
19.ii Email from NKDC regarding Section 106 monies from Boston Road development – information only
20. To discuss/confirm the process/venue/timing of the next Parish Council meeting
20.1 The next Parish Council meeting was confirmed as being held in Heckington Village Hall on Monday 27th September 2021 at 7.30pm.
21. To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 (if required)
21.1 Proposed by Cllr Mr A Garlick, seconded by Cllr Mr R Woods
21.2 Vote results – unanimous
21.3 Resolved to exclude Members of the Public and Press as above
21.4 The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting and Members of the Public left at 2100hrs
21.i To discuss contracted building work
21.i.1 Cllr Mrs J Palmer explained that the recent work to re-point a wall of the Parish Council Chambers had not been completed to satisfaction and numerous issues had been experienced during the job including the fact that a pallet of bricks and sand was left, which the Council had to arrange to be moved.
21.i.2 Proposed by Cllr Mr A Garlick that a deduction be made from the submitted final invoice.
12.i.3 Proposed addition by Cllr Mr M Jones that the preferred supplier list should be revised.
12.i.3 Proposed amendment by Cllr Mr R Kemmett that the amount of £200 be withheld until the job is completed.
12.i.4 Proposed amendment by Cllr Mr R Woods that the amount of £420 be withheld until the job is completed, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Tucker
12.i.5 Vote results – unanimous
12.i.6 Resolved – To write a letter of explanation and make payment of £3,600 (inc), (this being the full amount minus £420.00), and await response prior to review of preferred supplier list.
12.ii To discuss and agree legal services
12.ii.1 REDACTED – The Chairman updated Councillors in respect of legal services
12.ii.2 REDACTED
12.ii.3 The Chairman advised Councillors that there is £3,000 in the budget for legal fees.
12.ii.4 REDACTED
12.ii.5 Proposed by Cllr Mr R Kemmett, seconded by Cllr Mr R Woods
12.ii.6 Vote results – unanimous
12.ii.7 Resolved – REDACTED - The Chairman and Vice-Chairman to deal with legal services as and when necessary on the Council’s behalf. No objections were made by Councillors in respect of actions already taken.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at hrs 2125