May 2024 Annual Parish Meeting Agenda

Dear Sir/Madam
I hereby give you notice that the Annual Parish/Community Meeting will be held in Heckington Village hall, High Street, Heckington on Thursday 9th May at 7.30pm.
Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend for the opportunity of taking part in discussions concerning the future of the Parish and to learn more about other local community issues.
Guest speakers have kindly accepted invitations to speak about their organisations and details are below.
Complimentary light refreshments will be available.
Signed: M J Palmer
Chairman, Heckington Parish Council
Dated: 30th April 2024
Agenda Order is subject to change by the Chairman if necessary
1. Welcome and opening remarks by the Chairman
2. Parish Council Report – Councillor Mrs Jan Palmer, Heckington Parish Council
3. County Council and District Council reports
4. Guest Speaker – Emma Willey Event & Safety Advisor from Lincolnshire Police
Guest Speaker – Tony Hall from Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance
5. Public Participation/Open forum
6. Close of Meeting - all relevant issues will be taken forward to a future Parish Council Meeting.