February 2025 Agenda v1.2 (24th)
Dear Sir/Madam
You are summoned to attend the Heckington Parish Council meeting to be held in the Parish Council Chambers, St Andrews Street, Heckington on Monday 24 February 2025 at 7.30pm.
Members of the Press and Public are invited to attend. All members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting, as set out hereunder.
Signed: Heidi Wilson, Clerk & RFO Dated: 19 February 2025
The parish council may pass a resolution on any agenda item, even if the agenda does not specifically state ‘to resolve to approve’. This wording ‘to resolve to approve’ in certain circumstances could be interpreted as predetermination. The parish council have received advice from LALC in relation to this matter.
1. Chair’s Welcome (Safety Announcements)
2. Public Forum: Fifteen minutes will be set aside for Members of the Public to ask questions or make short statements to the Council. The Council may choose not to answer any question; a response may instead be given in writing. Matters raised may be added to an agenda for a future meeting. Members of the public are welcome to stay for the Parish Council meeting after the public session but are not permitted to speak during the meeting. If you would like to make comment during the meeting, please raise your hand if you are able to do so.
3. Councillors present
4. Apologies
Apologies for absence and reasons given.
5. To receive any reports of member’s interest, pecuniary or otherwise in relation to the agenda and any dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
6. Minutes (Please note that Committees will approve their own minutes at their next committee meeting)
a) To resolve to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 27 January 2025.
7. Report from the County and District Councillors
8. General Matters
a) Polices for review and/or adoption
i) Councillor Vacancy Policy (amendments)
• Advertising for co-option and voting.
ii) To resolve to defer the Social media policy to the March meeting of the Parish Council.
iii) Grant awarding policy (application form and guidance and scoring criteria).
iv) Tree Policy
• To note the parish council has been granted hedge plants for the cemetery from the Woodland Trust.
• To note that the parish council has been awarded an Oak Tree specimen by North Kesteven District Council as part of their 50th Anniversary Commemorative Tree Award.
• To note the offer from Heckington Singers to sponsor a replacement tree at Burton Road Green at a cost of £200.00 further to the removal of diseased/dangerous specimens.
• To note the offer from Sleaford Foods to sponsor a replacement tree at the pavilion at a cost of £200.00 further to the removal of diseased/dangerous specimens.
• To note that Trees for Heckington have been granted an Oak tree Specimen for Godson Avenue.
b) Health and Safety
i) To receive an update from the Clerk in relation to WorkNest and the requirement to carry out a legionella risk assessment at all properties including a review of quotes received.
• Urisk.co.uk (Parish Council Chambers £270.00, Workshop £270.00, Pavilion £360.00, Allotments £270.00 – all costs are exclusive of VAT).
• Swiftclean (TBC) – (Parish Council Chambers £387.00, Pavilion £387.00, - all costs are exclusive of VAT, Workshop, £387.00, Allotments £387.00 – all costs are exclusive of VAT).
• Water Hygiene Centre (Parish Council Chambers £562.00, Workshop £384.00, Pavilion £850.00, Allotments £229.00 – all costs are exclusive of VAT).
ii) To receive an update from the Clerk in relation to WorkNest and the requirement to carry out an asbestos risk assessment at the Chapel/Workshop including a review of quotes received.
• Bradley Environmental, £278.00 (plus VAT)
• Supernova Group Ltd, £297.00 plus VAT
• Oracle Asbestos, £275.00 (plus VAT)
iii) To receive an update from the Clerk in relation to WorkNest and the requirement to carry out an asbestos risk assessment at the Parish Council Chambers including a review of quotes received.
• Bradley Environmental, £343.00 (plus VAT)
• Supernova Group Ltd, £297.00 plus VAT
• Oracle Asbestos, £625.00 plus VAT
iv) To receive an update on electrical testing at the Chapel and Workshop.
• To review the findings of the EiCR carried out by Quantum Electrical Services for the Chapel and Caretaker’s Workshop (unsatisfactory).
• To review the quote by Quantum Electrical Services to carry out the remedial works identified in the EiCR at £540.00 plus VAT.
• To note that PAT testing has been carried out at the Chapel and Caretaker’s Workshop.
c) To review the warranty offer from Elancity (SID) at a cost of £199.00 plus VAT (expired 1 March 2024).
d) To review the resolution made on 28 October 2024 to sell the parish council laptop further to appropriate notice given by the Chair to amend the resolution.
e) Cemetery - To review quotes to take back the hedges around the perimeter of the cemetery to allow an accurate assessment of the number of plots remaining.
f) To resolve to approve for the next annual play inspection to take place in September 2025 (four months earlier than required as RoSPA offer a reduced rate on playground inspections in September of each year. £80.00 plus VAT per play area compared to their standard rate of £265.00 per play area plus £120.00 for subsequent areas).
9. Committees
a) Finance Committee
i) To review applications for funding from the following groups:
• Heckington Cricket Club and to discuss their request to install an all-weather pitch.
• 2nd Heckington Scouts Group.
• HAVCS (s26 of the Local Government and Rating Act 1997).
ii) To resolve to approve fees for use of the Parish Council Chambers including:
• Hourly Rate for Ad Hoc use (am/pm and weekends)
• Permanent Use
iii) To resolve to approve a rate for hire of the Chapel for funerals.
iv) To receive recommendations from the finance committee further to the third quarter budget review and further updates from the Clerk in relation to the current financial position relating to expenditure and the budget.
b) Pavilion Committee
i) To resolve to approve the Pavilion Committee Terms of Reference.
ii) To review current approvals and expenditure in relation to the pavilion roof work (spreadsheet).
iii) To ratify the following expenditure for additional work to the roof:
• Richard Wells Building Design to carry out work to the 2-storey extension including additional bracing and insulation at a cost of £1248.00.
• Richard Wells Building Design to carry out additional work to the leadwork and replacement tiles at a cost of £900.00.
• Richard Wells Building Design to strip the area of roof around the existing light tunnels to the single storey roof, re-felt and batten tile areas at a cost of £600.00.
iv) To review quotes for a 3-phase electrical supply to the kitchen etc (see quote for specifics)
• SKU Electrical, £3,079.17 plus VAT
• Quote 2 – Requested but not supplied
• Quantum Electrical, £3,388.54 plus VAT
v) To review quotes for the cabling in the single storey loft space.
• SKU Electrical, £3,305.00 plus VAT
• Quote 2 – Requested but not supplied
• Quantum Electrical, £4,832.65 plus VAT
• Quote 4 – Requested but not supplied
vi) To repair the damaged cable (exterior lighting)
• SKU Electrical, £333.33 plus VAT
• The Dark Spark Electrical & Property Services, £2000 plus VAT (to replace the post and lighting)
• Quantum Electrical, £261.64 plus VAT
vii) To investigate work listed as advisory of the previous EiCR.
• SKU Electrical, £133.33 plus VAT
• Quote 2 – Requested but not supplied
• Quantum Electrical, £700 plus VAT
c) Allotments
i) To resolve to approve membership of the Allotment Management Committee.
ii) To resolve to approve pest control for the allotments until such time as this can be done in house due to a number of complaints from allotment holders at a cost of £300 plus £80.
iii) To review quotes for cut the hedgerow and trees on the frontage to the allotments.
10. Highways
Members of the public are encouraged to report any new faults or existing defects at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/faultreporting or email, cschighways@lincolnshire.gov.uk or via FixMyStreet.
a) To note that footpath resurfacing will begin throughout the village from April 2025.
b) To note that there will be a consultation in relation to amended proposals for road markings on St Andrews Street and Church Street by Lincolnshire County Council.
c) To note that the PC have rescinded their request to extend the parking space in front of the parish council chambers further to feedback from local residents.
11. Finance
a) To note the current bank balances as 17 February 2025
Current Account 13,354.09
Bank Account S106 31,074.50
Bank Account Deposit 64,103.36
Petty Cash 0.00
TOTAL 108,531.94
b) To note the income received between 7 January 2025 and 17 February 2025.
S106 Interest (January) 26.35
Interest (February) 27.22
Deposit Interest (January) 85.68
Interest (February) 73.40
William Kent Memorials 80.00
William Kent Memorials 145.00
JE Severs Funerals 285.00
Donations, Coffee Morning 29.90
Wayleave Payment Ref HF5144 4.60
TOTALS 757.15
c) To resolve to approve the monthly income and expenditure account for February 2025.
Pension Contribution |
Caretaker (7 January 2025) |
Screwfix |
Reimbursement to Councillor Spencer for the purchase of door levers for the Chambers |
46.75 |
0.00 |
46.75 |
Salary |
Caretaker (week 40) |
Lloyds Bank |
Monthly Fees |
22.35 |
0.00 |
22.35 |
Pension Contribution |
Caretaker (14 January 2025) |
Daisy Telecommunications*** |
141.76 |
EDF Energy |
Invoice KI-58C53C08-0007 -Electricity supply (cemetery) between 2 Dec 24 and 31 Dec 24 |
77.12 |
17.40 |
80.98 |
EDF Energy |
Invoice KI-DODDBFB4-0007 Electricity supply (Chambers) between 2 Dec 24 and 31 Dec 24 |
382.97 |
19.15 |
402.12 |
HMRC*** |
HMRC overpayment (refund in progress) |
Anglian Water |
Invoice 14518492 – Supply to Cemetery. |
23.36 |
0.00 |
23.36 |
Anglian Water |
Invoice 14519749 – Supply to Cemetery. |
34.96 |
0.00 |
34.96 |
Salary |
Caretaker (week 41) |
Pension Contribution |
Caretaker (21 January 2025) |
Bradley Environmental |
Invoice 95997 Asbestos Survey (Pavilion) |
535.00 |
107.00 |
642.00 |
Heckington Allotment Association |
Contribution towards insurance (Allotment Act 1908 NOT Section 137 of the LGA 1972) |
150.00 |
0.00 |
150.00 |
Invoice 15632 Website Management Service |
54.00 |
10.80 |
64.80 |
BT Group |
Invoice M001 B5 Set up costs plus monthly fee |
57.00 |
11.40 |
68.40 |
Heckington Allotment Association |
Return of held funds |
114.00 |
0.00 |
114.00 |
Worknest |
Annual Invoice ref 078316 |
1975.00 |
395.00 |
2370.00 |
Caladine Lifts |
Invoice 49259 6-monthly LOLER (Mandatory) |
120.00 |
24.00 |
144.00 |
Salary |
Caretaker (Week 42) |
Quarter 3 payment |
The Community Heartbeat Trust |
Invoice 24932, Replacement defibrillator pads |
131.95 |
26.39 |
158.34 |
Salary |
Clerk (January 2025) |
RoSPA Play Safety |
Invoice 85670 Playground inspections. |
505.00 |
101.00 |
606.00 |
Richard Wells Building |
Invoice no ref Pavilion Roof Bracing |
2230.28 |
0.00 |
2230.28 |
Salary |
Caretaker (Week 43) |
Eclipse PC Repair |
Invoice 2369 Computer maintenance and back up for January 2025 plus renewal of anti-virus software subscription and new external hard drive. |
150.97 |
0.00 |
150.97 |
Pension Contribution |
Clerk 30 January 2025 |
Pension Contribution |
Caretaker 30 January 2025 |
Steve Wright Garden Services |
Removal of Spruce Pine, Cemetery |
632.00 |
0.00 |
632.00 |
Donaldsons |
Invoice 19 Caretaker Supplies |
40.79 |
8.16 |
48.95 |
Richard Wells |
Invoice 1454/RIW |
1248.00 |
0.00 |
1248.00 |
Progreen |
Invoice 270377 PPE Clothing and Equipment for Caretaker |
333.20 |
66.64 |
399.84 |
Euromec Contracts Ltd |
Invoice 32923 |
186.40 |
37.28 |
223.68 |
Invoice 15704 Internal Audit |
330.00 |
66.00 |
396.00 |
Mundys |
Invoice WC/SAW/7140C |
500.00 |
100.00 |
600.00 |
NKDC Poll |
Invoice 00047597 |
2350.51 |
0.00 |
2350.51 |
Quantum Electrical |
Invoice 141 EIRC for the cemetery chapel/workshop and annual PAT testing. |
386.40 |
77.28 |
463.68 |
Salary |
Caretaker (Week 44) |
Terra Firma & Beyond |
Felling of 2 sycamores, Pavilion |
1950.00 |
0.00 |
1950.00 |
Terra Firma & Beyond |
Felling of Cherry Tree and Horse Chestnut at Burton Road |
1440.00 |
0.00 |
1440.00 |
SRP Hire Solutions |
Invoice 179045 toilet hire (December) |
120.00 |
24.00 |
144.00 |
Salary |
Caretaker (week 45) |
Pension Contribution |
Caretaker, 13 February 2025 |
Pension Contribution |
Clerk, 13 February 2025 |
Pension Contribution |
Caretaker, 13 February |
Lloyds Bank |
Service Charges |
8.50 |
0.00 |
8.50 |
SRP Hire Solutions |
Invoice 179481 toilet hire (January) |
100.00 |
20.00 |
120.00 |
Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency |
Road Tax for KN23 DHE |
210.00 |
0.00 |
210.00 |
Eclipse PC Repair*** |
Invoice 2375 Set up laptop, antivirus software and VPN and February computer maintenance and back up |
195.00 |
0.00 |
195.00 |
Invoice 15709 Website Management Service (10 hours) |
180.00 |
36.00 |
216.00 |
Complete Weed Control*** |
Invoice 3242 dated July 2024 for service to the cemetery and allotments in 2023 |
890.00 |
178.00 |
1068.00 |
Lyca Mobile |
December 2025 |
2.50 |
0.00 |
2.50 |
Lyca Mobile |
January 2025 |
5.00 |
0.00 |
5.00 |
Lyca Mobile |
February 2025 |
5.00 |
0.00 |
5.00 |
Section 137 – Lamppost poppies |
40.00 |
0.00 |
40.00 |
Postage |
Cemetery MACE |
0.85 |
0.00 |
0.85 |
Supplies for January coffee morning |
Cakes, coffee, tea, milk, washing up liquid |
41.45 |
0.00 |
41.45 |
Stamps |
8 x 2nd class |
6.80 |
0.00 |
6.80 |
Supplies for Chambers |
Toilet paper, air freshener and washing up liquid (for Andy) |
23.72 |
0.00 |
23.72 |
Glasdon |
Invoice 902827 Dog Waste Bin Liners |
163.70 |
32.74 |
196.44 |
BT |
Invoice Moo2 F1 February 2025 |
27.95 |
5.59 |
33.54 |
North Kesteven District Council |
Invoice 00047775 October By-election |
8253.66 |
0.00 |
8253.66 |
d) To ratify the transfers from the deposit account to the current account: 22 January 2025 - £10,000, 29 January 2025 - £10,000 and 11 February 2025, £10,000.
e) To discuss the emails from PFA Littlejohn dated 17 February 2025 in relation to objections raised in respect of the 2023/24 AGAR including with a view to providing a formal response to the external auditor.
Objector 1 |
Objection 1 – Objection to the process carried out by the Council during 2023/24 for the purchase of land, which was not transparent and did not comply with financial regulation 14.4. The objection relates to assertion 2 of the Annual Governance Statement.
Financial Regulation 14.4. No real property (interests in land) shall be purchased or acquired without the authority of the full council. In each case a report in writing shall be provided to council in respect of valuation and surveyed condition of the property (including matters such as planning permissions and covenants) together with a proper business case (including an adequate level of consultation with the electorate).
Assertion 2 of the Annual Governance Statement We maintained an adequate system of internal control including measures designed to prevent and detect fraud and corruption and reviewed its effectiveness. |
Objection 2 – Objection to the Council’s non-compliance with the Local Government Act 1972 section 101, due to the fact that the Chair, without any approved delegated powers, commissioned the valuation of the land and later entered into the agreement to purchase the land on behalf of the council with no sharing of relevant documentation with either the Clerk/RFO or other members of the council except the Vice Chair (who was also unaware of the commissioning of the valuation). The objection relates to assertion 3 of the Annual Governance Statement.
Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 Arrangements for discharge of functions by local authorities 1. Subject to any express provision contained in this Act or any Act passed after this Act, a local authority may arrange for the discharge of any of their functions- a. By a committee, a sub-committee or an officer of the authority; or b. By any other local authority.
Assertion 3 of the Annual Governance Statement We took all reasonable steps to assure ourselves that there are no matters of actual or potential non-compliance with laws, regulations and Proper Practices that could have a significant financial effect on the ability of this authority to conduct its business or manage its finances.
Objection 3 – Objection to expenditure during the year on legal fees and land agents, which you assert did not comply with the financial regulations. This objection relates to assertion 2 of the Annual Governance Statement
Financial Regulations |
Assertion 2 of the Annual Governance Statement We maintained an adequate system of internal control including measures designed to prevent and detect fraud and corruption and reviewed its effectiveness.
Objector 2 |
Objection 1 – Objection to the process carried out by the Council during 2023/24 for the purchase of land, which failed to comply with financial regulation 14.4. The objection relates to the response given in assertion 3 of the Annual Governance Statement.
Financial Regulation 14.4. No real property (interests in land) shall be purchased or acquired without the authority of the full council. In each case a report in writing shall be provided to council in respect of valuation and surveyed condition of the property (including matters such as planning permissions and covenants) together with a proper business case (including an adequate level of consultation with the electorate).
Assertion 2 of the Annual Governance Statement We maintained an adequate system of internal control including measures designed to prevent and detect fraud and corruption and reviewed its effectiveness.
Objection 2 – Objection to the Council’s non-compliance with the Local Government Act 1972 section 101, due the fact that the Chair, without any approved delegated powers, entered into the agreement to purchase land on behalf of the council with no sharing of relevant documentation with either the Clerk/RFO or other members of the council. This objection relates to the response given in assertion 3 of the Annual Governance Statement. |
Assertion 2 – Objection to the Council’s non-compliance with the Local Government Act 1972 section 101, due to the fact that the Chair, without any approved delegated powers, commissioned the valuation of the land and later entered into the agreement to purchase the land on behalf of the council with no sharing of relevant documentation with either the Clerk/RFO or other members of the council except the Vice Chair (who was also unaware of the commissioning of the valuation). The objection relates to assertion 3 of the Annual Governance Statement.
Objection 3 – Objection to the Council’s non-compliance with the Local Government Act 1972 section 10 (2)(b) due to the approval of items not specified in agendas in relation to the land purchase process. This objection relates to the response given in assertion 3 of the Annual Governance Statement.
2. Three clear days before a meeting of a principal council – a. -shall specify the business proposed to be transacted thereat-. b. |
Assertion 3 of the Annual Governance Statement We took all reasonable steps to assure ourselves that there are no matters of actual or potential non-compliance with laws, regulations and Proper Practices that could have a significant financial effect on the ability of this authority to conduct its business or manage its finances.
Objection 4 – Objection to expenditure on legal fees and land agents which did not comply with financial regulations. This objection relates to the response given in assertion 2 of the Annual Governance Statement as well as items of account in the Accounting Statements.
Assertion 2 of the Annual Governance Statement We maintained an adequate system of internal control including measures designed to prevent and detect fraud and corruption and reviewed its effectiveness.
12. Planning
a) Members to note the new or amended planning matters received since the meeting on 27 January 2025.
Application |
25/0137/HOUS |
Proposal |
First floor extension |
Location |
6 Howell Road, Heckington, NG34 9RX |
Status |
NEW – Registered |
Application |
25/0162/HOUS |
Proposal |
Application to vary condition 7 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 23/1313/HOUS – Erection of two storey side and rear extension, single storey rear extension and renovation of outbuildings and garden store (revised description and plans) – installation of log burner and associated flue to outbuilding. |
Location |
61 High Street, Heckington, NG34 9QU |
Status |
NEW – Registered |
Application |
25/0165/OUT |
Proposal |
Application for outline planning permission with some matters reserved (access to be considered) for the erection of 47 dwellings. |
Location |
Land to the south of Sleaford Road, Heckington |
Status |
NEW – Registered |
b) Members to note the following decisions received since the last meeting on 27 January 2025.
Application: |
24/0855/LDEXI |
Proposal: |
Application for a lawful development certificate for existing use – Use of annexe as a separate dwelling |
Location: |
The Granary Whitehouse Farm, Kyme Road, Heckington Pending |
Status |
Application: |
24/1101/FUL |
Proposal: |
Erection of a single dwelling, with means of access to be considered (custom self-build) |
Location: |
Land adjacent Ashleigh House, Old Main Road, East Heckington, PE20 3QB |
Details/Decision: |
Amended details received 30 September 2024. |
Status |
Application |
24/1489/HOUS |
Proposal |
Erection of single storey rear extensions to the house and garage |
Location |
32 Oak Way, Heckington, NG34 9FG |
Status |
c) Members to note the decisions on the following planning applications are still awaiting decision.
Application |
24/1383/FUL |
Proposal |
Extension of hard standing to perimeter of existing farm building including extending associated farm track (retrospective) along with the erection of a new farm shed. |
Location |
Land off Side Bar Lane, Heckington |
Status |
Application |
24/1403/HOUS |
Proposal |
Replacement of existing conservatory with single storey flat roof rear extension |
Location |
20 Handley Street, Heckington |
Status |
Application |
25/0013/PMA |
Proposal |
Change of use from commercial, business and service to two dwellings |
Location |
Garwick Farm, Boston Road, Heckington |
Status |
Prior Approval Development NEW – Registered |
Application |
25/0024 |
Proposal |
Proposed single storey extension to the rear with internal and external alterations |
Location |
38 Kyme Road, Heckington |
Status |
13. Correspondence
a) Email from NK TalkPlanning in relation to the Central Lincolnshire Design Code Consultation from Wednesday 26 February 2025 through to Wednesday 9 April 2025. For more information https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/050a600e1ca64fff8ea190fb4a2128f8
b) Email from National Grid dated 24 January 2025 in relation to the Eastern Green Links 3-4 Community Update.
14. Date and time of the next meeting/s
a) Staffing Committee Meeting, 27 February 2025
b) Pavilion Committee Meeting, 6 March 2025
c) Allotment Management Committee Meeting, 4 March 2025
d) Finance Committee Meeting, 13 March 2025
e) Parish Council
Monday 24 February 2025
Monday 31 March 2025
Monday 28 April 2025
Monday 19 May 2025
Monday 30 June 2025
Monday 28 July 2025
Monday 18 August 2025
Monday 29 September 2025
Monday 27 October 2025
Monday 24 November 2025
15. Closed Session
a) To discuss payroll services and payroll arrangements for staff.
b) To review a complaint received dated 18 February 2025 in respect of a breach of personal data.
c) To review the valuations from Mundys and Mason and Partners in relation to Star Fen (if available).
If you require a more detailed version of the agenda, please contact the Clerk.
If you would like to attend the Parish Council meeting and have accessibility requirements, please contact the Clerk ahead of time so that reasonable adjustments can be made.