February 2025 Agenda (Staffing Committee)
Dear Sir/Madam
You are summoned to attend the Heckington Parish Council Staffing Committee meeting to be held in the Parish Council Chambers, St Andrews Street, Heckington on Thursday 27 February 2025 at 7.30pm.
Members of the Press and Public are invited to attend. All members of the Parish Council Staffing Committee are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting, as set out hereunder.
Signed: Heidi Wilson, Clerk & RFO Dated: 19 February 2025
The committee may pass a resolution on any agenda item, even if the agenda does not specifically state ‘to resolve to approve’. This wording ‘to resolve to approve’ in certain circumstances could be interpreted as predetermination. The parish council have received advice from LALC in relation to this matter.
The Staffing Committee operates within the limits of the agreed Terms of Reference and as such may need to make recommendations to full council for a resolution.
1) To elect a Chair for the purposes of the meeting
2) Chair’s Welcome (Safety Announcements)
3) Public Forum: Fifteen minutes will be set aside for Members of the Public to ask questions or make short statements to the Council. The Council may choose not to answer any question; a response may instead be given in writing. Matters raised may be added to an agenda for a future meeting. Members of the public are welcome to stay for the Parish Council meeting after the public session but are not permitted to speak during the meeting. If you would like to make comment during the meeting, please raise your hand if you are able to do so.
4) Councillors present
5) Apologies
Apologies for absence and reasons given.
6) To receive any reports of member’s interest, pecuniary or otherwise in relation to the agenda and any dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
7) Minutes
a) To resolve to approve the minutes of the Staffing Committee Meeting on 26 September 2024.
8) Report from the County and District Councillors
9) General Matters
a) To resolve to amend or adopt the following policies.
i) To review Terms of Reference (election of Chair).
ii) Lone working policy.
To discuss the provision of a telephone to the caretaker (electronic method of keeping up to date with location and nature of work).
iii) Training and development for staff policy.
b) To receive an update from the Clerk in relation to office equipment for the purposes of the minutes.
10) Date and time of the next meeting
a) To agree a date for the next meeting of the Staffing Committee.
11) Closing Comments from the public (limited to brief statements)
12) Closed Session
a) To resolve to approve the updated job description for the caretaker.
c) To resolve to approve the updated contract for the caretaker.
d) To review the Clerk’s contract of employment.
b) To resolve to approve the Clerk’s overtime since 26 November 2025 (proposal for full Parish Council).
c) To discuss risk management in relation to the Clerk and Caretaker roles.
If you require a more detailed version of the agenda, please contact the Clerk.
If you would like to attend the Parish Council meeting and have accessibility requirements, please contact the Clerk ahead of time so that reasonable adjustments can be made.