October 2020 Minutes


Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting of Heckington Parish Council held virtually, in line with Section 78 of the Coronavirus Act 2020, Monday 12th October 2020 commencing at 1900hrs 

Attendance: via Google Meet (Meeting link oyy-tqtk-mch)

Chairman -  P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer 

Parish Councillors – Mr T Atkinson, Mr R Doughty, Mr A Garlick, Mr R Higgs (from 7.05pm technical difficulties), Mr M Jones, Mrs S Tucker, Mr M West 

County Councillor – None

District Councillors – None

Minute Taker – Clerk, Ms J Hudson

Police Representative – None present

Press Representative – None present

Members of the Public – 1    

1.    Chairman’s Welcome and Opening Remarks

i.    The Chairman welcomed everyone and Councillors were reminded to raise their hands in order to speak, and to turn microphones off when not using.  It was noted that the meeting was quorate and that there had been 1 request from a Members of the Public to attend and no  comments or questions had been submitted.  

2.    To receive apologies for absence

Apologies received from P/Cllr Mr D Couzens (technical), Mr R Kemmett (technical) and Mr R Woods (other).  Apologies also from County Councillor Mr B Young, District Councillors Mr S Ogden and Mrs S Tarry

3.    To receive any declarations of  interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

i.    None received

4.    To consider any written requests for dispensations received at or before the start of the meeting.

i.    None received

5.    i. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 27th July 2020 to be approved as Minutes and signed.  

Proposed by Cllr Mr R Doughty and seconded by Cllr Mrs S Tucker

Vote results unanimous.

Resolved – To approve minutes as above

No matters arising

6.    Submitted questions/comments from the public –

NB Members of the Public will not be able to speak at this meeting

All questions or comments MUST be submitted in writing to the Clerk by Monday 12th October 2020 at 12 noon and will be presented by the Clerk to the Councillors.

None received – The Chairman welcomed the Member of Public to the meeting

7.    Financial Matters (all relevant documents previously emailed to Councillors for their information

1.    To approve payments as listed, which include the quarterly figures

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To view the table, please click HERE.

These figures were previously emailed to Councillors for their consideration and there were no additional queries raised concerning the actual spend versus the budget spends, overspends were highlighted as above and noted.  

Proposed by Cllr Mr R Doughty, seconded by Cllr Mr M West

Vote results – unanimous

Resolved – to approve payments and accept quarterly and actual/budget spend figures as detailed above

2.    To formally approve and adopt the revised Financial Regulations as previously emailed to Councillors (10th Aug 2020)

Proposed by Cllr Mr A Garlick, seconded by Cllr Mr M West – vote results unanimous

Resolved to approve and adopt the revised Financial Regulations

3.    To ratify approval of BACS payment for village green resurfacing works £9,990.60 exc VAT

The Chairman reconfirmed that accepting the amount quoted had already been ratified, and this was a ratification to pay by BACS.  Following inspection by the Councillors, some remedial work to a small area has been requested and is scheduled for this coming Friday. 

Proposed by Cllr Mr M West, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Tucker

Vote results – unanimous

Resolved to allow payment by BACS once the remedial work has been completed to the satisfaction of Council inspection.  

4.    To discuss Polaris utility vehicle – cost of replacement batteries and other options

The Chairman reported that the re-chargeable batteries on the vehicle had failed a few weeks ago, leaving the caretaker stranded.  Another occasion saw the power levels drop to 50% after only a short use.  Extensive research has found the cost of replacement batteries (x8) and an automatic water system would be circa £3,000 and that just for the 8 x batteries the cost would be circa £1,200.  The caretaker would need to periodically top up the batteries manually, and a resident with experience and knowledge in this field has offered to assist with this at no cost.  The vehicle was purchased in 2016.  As the vehicle is vital to the work of the caretaker, but also having considered the vehicle’s age and likely replacement timescale, the Chairman suggested that the better option would be to purchase batteries without the automated filling system.

Proposed by Cllr A Garlick, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Tucker

Vote results – unanimous

Resolved – to purchase the required 8 replacement batteries (circa £1,200) without the automated system, and therefore to top them up manually     
5.    Approve quote for cemetery tree works (not received at time of agenda issue)

The Chairman confirmed that following high winds, a tree had fallen at the cemetery and had been dealt with very quickly and efficiently by our regular arborists, Terra Firma.  A survey was subsequently requested of all trees within the cemetery and Cllr Mrs J Palmer and Clerk, Julie Hudson were in attendance.  There is work required on a number of Scots Pines and the Lime trees on the front border now require pollarding.  Although the quote has not yet been received for these works, the Councillors were asked for an ‘in principle’ vote, to agree to the works continuing if the quotes come in up to £3,000.  

Proposed by Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by Cllr Mr R Doughty

Vote results – unanimous

Resolved – to continue with recommended works to trees on receipt of a quote up to £3,000.  If the quote exceeds this amount, Councillors will be required for further consideration and ratification. 

6.    To ratify purchase of ‘prizes’ up to the value of £50.00 for the St Andrews poster competition (ratified by email – majority 6 for)

7.    To ratify emergency purchase by Chairman (within limits) of 4 x electric radiators for Pavilion (£58.00 ex VAT)

8.    To ratify purchase of 100 x flood barriers (£635.00 ex VAT) for residents to purchase (ratified by email – majority 6 for)

9.    To ratify purchase of 4 x bags hard core for allotment road potholes and fixings for new bench (£52.30 ex) (as approved 25th November 2020, item 16)

10.    To approve Clerks request for a Land Registry search on Mulberry Walk/Godson Avenue open space (Not expected to exceed £25.00) (see item 17-4)

Proposed by Cllr Mrs J Palmer, seconded by Cllr Mr R Higgs

Vote results – unanimous

Resolved – to ratify and minute items 7. 6-10. as listed above 

8.    Receive a report from the Police representative – update, if any, to letter sent to PCC and ACC

There was no police representative present and the Chairman confirmed that no response had yet been received to the letter sent expressing concerns about the proposed re-posting of PCSO Patrick Welby-Everard.  She stressed that his local experience and knowledge was vital to our large village and that the proposed changes indicated that Heckington police cover would be severely diminished.

9.    Receive a report from the County and District Councillors.

None present and apologies previously accepted.

The Chairman explained that the County Councillor had been in contact with HPC to request the compilation a list of suggested road repairs in Heckington following the announcement that extra funds had come from central government for this purpose.  Cllr Mrs J Palmer reported to the meeting, that a site visit had been held some time last year with Highways, whereby a number of serious issues were raised by herself and the Clerk – namely road surface and pavements on Godson Avenue and Kyme Road, Buggy Bells Lane, Sleaford Road/High Street (particularly near Burton Road junction) and of course the issue with the surface at Banks Lane (which has now been completed).  She requested that if any one has any other specific areas of attention to contact the office for it to be added to the list. 

In respect of D/Councillors, the Chairman advised she would present the NKDC update regarding item 16. 

10.    Receive a report from the Clerk

i.    Freedom of Information request re Covid-19 Risk Assessment of Play Areas – sent to resident

ii.    LCC grant of £720.64 for Parish Grass cutting agreement 2020/2021 – monies now received

iii.    Update on Remembrance Day itinerary – 8th November 2020 The Chairman advised that the Royal British Legion and the Methodist Church were keen to hold a smaller wreath laying service as usual on the Sunday (8th November 2020).  A Covid-19 risk assessment had been carried out and the posts/chains were to be removed to allow extra social distancing onto the grassed area.  Rev Chris of St Andrews, is not holding the usual church service afterwards, but is available for the War Memorial service.  

iv.    Update on new phone system – all working OK and calls being recorded.

v.    Bees in the air blocks of Chamber buildings – professional removal advised and required Local vermin control professional, Andy Priestley has advised that the venting bricks will need removing in order to sympathetically remove the bees.  All agreed to the purchase additional, replacement venting bricks should they break during this process.  

11.    Receive reports from Councillor’s relating to their affiliation to local organisations.

No resolutions may be passed under this item.

None received

12.    Planning Matters.    

(1)    Previous Applications to be ratified 

a.    20/0741/FUL – Amended plans/additional information – Erection of 33 affordable houses along with associated infrastructure – Land East of Welchman Way, Heckington

b.    20/0945/FUL – Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 15 dwellings with associated garages – Land Off Burton Road, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire

c.    /0741/FUL – Additional information – Erection of 33 affordable houses along with associated infrastructure – Land East of Welchman Way, Heckington – Supplementary Protected Species Assessment for Great Crested Newts (inc DNA Testing) and Kingfishers

d.    20/1087/TPO – T1 Ash – remove to leave 10ft habit stump – 66 Sleaford Road, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9QW

e.    20/1122/TCA – T1/T2 elderflower – fell – 88 High Street Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 0QT

f.    20/1121/TCA – T1 Holly – fell; T2 Rowan – reduce to previous pruning points – 11 Manor Street, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9RN

g.    20/1129/TPO – T4 Yew – cut back partially failed lateral up to a suitable growth point; T9 Corsican Pine – Fell; T10 Corsican Pine – Fell; T11 Corsican Pine – Fell – the Old Church, Old Main Road, East Heckington, Boston, Lincolnshire

h.    20/1145/TCA – T1 contorted Willow – pollard to 3m height, T3 Cedar – fell; T2 Birch – fell – 24 Church Street, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9RJ

i.    20/1075/HOUS – Demolition of existing garage and covered porch and erection of a single storey front and rear extension with high raised decking and level access ramp to main entrance to allow a fully wheelchair accessible home – 56 Sleaford Road, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9QW

j.    20/1149/HOUS – Part demolition to side of property and erection of an extension and garage conversion to existing bungalow – 9 Churchill Way, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9RQ

(2)    Applications approved 

a.    20/0757/HOUS – Demolition of existing garage and erection of sunroom on the site of the original garage and construction of new garage – 11A Burton Road, Heckington, Sleaford

b.    20/0676/FUL – Change of use from hairdressers (class use A1) to hairdressers (class use A1) and beauty salon (sui generis)

c.    20/0813/HOUS – Single storey side extension and change of location of front entrance – 5 Nash Close, Heckington, Sleaford

d.    20/0817/HOUS – Proposed new roof over garage/car port.  Proposed new entrance with wc and storeroom – 6 Church Street, Heckington, Sleaford

e.    20/0939/HOUS – Erection of single storey detached timber clad outbuilding – 1 Hall Close, Heckington, Sleaford

(3)    Applications rejected

a.    Amended with late submission – emailed to Councillors – 20/0753/FUL – Erection of 4 no. dwellings – Land to the North of Boston Road, Heckington,

(4)    Applications withdrawn

a.    None received

(5)    Prior Notifications received (Information only - no action required from HPC)

None received

Council comments already submitted via the Clerk for submission to NKDC planning portal where necessary.  

Therefore, a ratification ‘en bloc’ was proposed by Cllr Mrs J Palmer, seconded by Cllr Mr R Higgs

Vote results unanimous

Resolved – to ratify above planning matters ‘en bloc’

13.    To discuss and approve appropriate action in respect of report by Councillor R Higgs re Pavilion buildings

Cllr Mr R Higgs summarised the report previously emailed to Councillors following the breakdown of heating and water system at the Pavilion, which highlighted that overall, the electrical wiring is not up to current  specification, there is evidence of subsidence to the boiler room and there is an urgent need for a replacement boiler.

He explained the responsibilities of the Council in respect of the details of the licence that the current operators hold.  Other Councillors had previously queried the areas of responsibility and Cllr Mrs S Tucker specifically thanked Cllr Higgs for his explanations, which clarified that Heckington Parish Council, as owners of the building, is responsible for these areas.  

The Chairman also thanked Cllr Higgs for the extensive research work carried out to discover options relating to the heating and electricity.  Cllr Higgs reported that he had had a number of contractors out to discuss options, and the most favourable option was to replace the gas boiler with an electric one, rather than take the wet heating system out completely.  Only one contractor actually suggested this option and after discussion of the details of all options, some with quotes circa £24,000 for total system replacement, the Councillors agreed that this recommendation for works was the way forward. 

In respect of the subsidence, although the Parish Council Insurers have been approached with a view to a potential claim, Cllr Higgs suggested that if the work was carried out then the boiler room would not be required anymore.  He also reminded the meeting that a tentative request had been submitted by the current licencee to allow a small extension to the building which would be paid for them at no cost to the Council and that would enhance the building for future users. This would include the demolition of the subsiding boiler house, negating the need for an insurance claim. Cllr Mrs S Tucker suggested strongly that any permissions/agreement make it quite clear that the Parish Council will not be liable for relevant costs incurred should they submit a request for an extension in the future.  The quote from Newman Moore (relating to required boiler and electrical works only) was read out by Cllr Higgs and totalled £6,264.58+VAT.  

Cllr Mr D Couzens, having submitted apologies for non-attendance, had requested it be made know that he is against the Parish Council paying for any remedial work, and believes that the current licencee should pay a full rental lease value.

Cllr Mrs S Tucker further expressed concern that the works required are major and enquired whether annual inspections took place.  Could this have been highlighted earlier?  Cllr Mr R Higgs explained that annual inspections of electricity, gas and fire equipment is carried out in line with legal requirements and that the reports are held with the licencee.  An independent structural inspection had not been carried out for a number of years, and Cllr Mrs S Tucker was concerned that as the owner of the building, HPC should arranging to carry out surveys to highlight any potential issues within good time, and that regular inspections should be carried out.  This was agreed by all.

Proposed by Cllr Mrs J Palmer seconded by Cllr Mr A Garlick

Vote results – unanimous of those present, 1 x against vote written and submitted by Cllr Mr D Couzens

Resolved – to accept the continued work of Cllr Mr R Higgs and to accept Newman Moore’s recommendation for remedial work, quoted at £6,264.58+VAT.

HPC Financial regulations Section 11 h state – where the value (the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works or specialist services other than such goods, materials, works or specialist services as are excepted as set out in paragraph (a) is below [£10,000] and above [£5,000] the Clerk or RFO shall strive to obtain 3 estimates.  

HPC Financial regulations Section 11 d state – when applications are made to waive financial regulations relating to contracts to enable a price to be negotiated without competition the reason shall be embodied in a recommendation to the council

Cllr Mr R Higgs confirmed that a number of contractors had been invited to offer a solution and estimate to the situation.  The solutions were not exactly like for like due to contractors differing assessments and recommendations of the issue.  However, after recommendation from Cllr Mr R Higgs, this meeting concluded that Newman Moore’ recommendation is the only solution to best meet the requirements.      

14.    To discuss the degradation of Houlden Way footpath and decide course of action (tree roots coming through tarmac surface causing very uneven walkway).

Tree roots are causing a trip hazard. The Clerk confirmed that as far as it is recorded, neither NKDC nor LCC have claimed responsibility for this footpath and it is believe that it forms part of the Playing Field ‘land’.

Proposed by Cllr Mrs J Palmer, seconded by Cllr Mr R Higgs

Vote results – unanimous

Resolved - assuming research confirms the footpath is not NKDC nor LCC, to ‘cut out’ the trip hazards and relay a tarmac surface as a temporary measure.

15.    To discuss continued closure of play parks on Mayflower and Pavilion, and to discuss repairs/replacement of Mayflower roundabout

Cllr Mr R Higgs reported that although a new bearing assembly had been purchased, the spindle of the roundabout was badly worn and required professional work.  There are only 2 manufacturers of the parts and works required and the best quote received is £1,642.91.  Cllr Mr A Garlick enquired as to the cost of the already purchased bearing.  This was confirmed as £655.  Cllr Mr R Higgs pointed out that a whole new roundabout might cost in the region of £6,500.

Proposed by Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by Cllr T Atkinson

Vote results – 5 x for, 1 x against (AG) and 2 x abstentions (ST & MJ)

Resolved – to accept the quote of £1,642.91 to repair roundabout at Mayflower Drive
There has been no change to the government guidance on re-opening play parks, however Cllr Mrs S Tucker commented that she has visited other play areas and there was no evidence of specific cleaning or other recommended measures having been put in place.  She still strongly suggested that HPC should re-open theirs with appropriate signage to allow users to accept their own responsibility.  Cllr Mr R Doughty agreed.  However it was also suggested that the Council still has a responsibility to ensure the play parks remain covid-19 safe and that currently it is not possible.

Proposed by Cllr Mr M Jones, seconded by Cllr Mr R Higgs

Vote results – 5 x for, 2 x against (ST & RD), 1 x abstention (AG)

Resolved – to continue the closure of the play parks and maintain a regular 3 week review of guidance.
16.    To update on vermin control situation, specifically Handley Street incident

For the benefit of the member of the public present, the Chairman reminded Councillors that following a number of complaints from elderly residents on Handley Street (specifically those in social housing), a rat infestation was discovered.  This had also been confirmed by reports from the local vermin control professional who was concerned about the scale of the problem.  

The Clerk had received feedback from one lady who suggested that NKDC environmental health/housing had not been very helpful.  The potential source of the problem may have been some chickens being kept in a garden.  Contact had been therefore made with district Councillors Mrs Sally Tarry and Mr S Ogden.  

The communication from HPC suggested that there may follow a health issue and that as the houses were NKDC owned that perhaps they should take some responsibility.  

The Chairman presented the updated report from D/Cllr Mrs S Tarry as follows – 

The Neighbourhood Officer has spoken to the Pest Controller and he has advised the removal of the vegetation which is growing at the end of resident’s gardens and is providing warmth and shelter for the rats.

Hill Holt Wood is meeting the Neighbourhood Officer onsite this week to go ahead with the removal of the vegetation. Once the vegetation has been removed the Pest Controller will be able to determine what further baiting will be required.

The Chairman thanked D/Cllr Mrs S Tarry for her urgent and efficient assistance with this matter.

17.    To receive general correspondence.

(1)    Email from resident re speeding on Boston Road – information only – Clerk has tasked the Community Speed Watch team to do operations in that location

(2)    Letter from Farmed Environment Advisor on behalf of Black Sluice, notifying of study of water catchment area – Upper South forty Foot Catchment – information only

(3)    Letter from PCC and ACC Lincolnshire, regarding Community Speedwatch initiative update

(4)    Letter from resident in relation to boundaries of Mulberry Walk/Godson Avenue green space (see also item 7-10 above)

18.    To discuss/confirm the process/venue/timing of the full Parish Council meeting

The Clerk, for the benefit of the member of the public in attendance, again confirmed that Heckington Parish Council had already met its legal requirement as to the number of meetings per year and that the current Covid19 social distancing and shielding guidance still restricts the holding of physical meetings.

The Chairman confirmed that notice will be issued in relation to the next meeting when required

19.    To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 if required.

Not required

Meeting closed at 2010hrs