January 2023 Minutes

Minutes of a meeting of Heckington Parish Council held in Heckington Parish Council, Council Chambers, St Andrews Street, Heckington on Monday 30th January 2023 commencing at 1900hrs
Chairman P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer
Parish Councillors – Mr T Atkinson, Mrs M Cooke, Mr A Garlick, Mr R Higgs, Mr D Long, Mr M Jones, Mr M West, Mr R Woods
County Councillor – Mr A Key
District Councillors – Mrs S Tarry
Minute Taker – Clerk, Ms T Williams
Police Representative – None present
Press Representative – None present
Members of the Public – 4
1. Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks
1.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and went through Health & Safety, fire procedures etc
1.2 The Chairman reported that the repair work to the Cemetery pillar was now complete and had been finished to a very high standard. P/Cllr D Long requested that the possibility of obtaining a quote to re-point the other Cemetery pillar be added to the next agenda for discussion.
1.3 The Chairman highlighted reports in the press that Lincolnshire is to lose 41 PCSOs, potentially leaving Heckington with very limited, if any PCSO cover. The Chairman sought agreement from fellow Councillors that Heckington Parish Council write a letter to Police and Crime Commissioner Marc Jones, Chief Constable Chris Hawood, MP Caroline Johnson. Councillors agreed unanimously.
2. To receive apologies for absence
2.1 Apologies received and accepted from D/Cllr Mr S Ogden and P/Cllr Mr R Kemmett
3. To receive a declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
3.1 None received.
4. To consider any requests for dispensations received at or before the start of the meeting.
4.1 None received.
5. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held Monday 28th November 2022 and the Precept meeting held on Monday 16th January 2023
5.i Proposed by Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by Cllr Mr D Long it was resolved that the minutes were approved and signed. Unanimous vote.
5.ii Matters arising
The Chairman reported that the Precept increase for Heckington will be £1.40 per annum on a Band D property.
6. Public Participation
6.1 A member of the public reported that a streetlight on Vicarage Road has never been switched on since installation. The Clerk will report online at fix my street. Members of the public can also use this service at fixmystreet.lincolnshire.gov.uk
6.2 Two members of the public requested consideration be given for additional dog waste bins on Burton Road and Boston Road. The Chairman reported that a litter bin will be installed by the NHS bench on Church Street, when they are back in stock.
6.3 P/Cllr Mr R Higgs requested that it be recorded in the minutes that Heckington Parish Council would like to give thanks to local resident Mr Peter Asher, who by volunteering the use of his machinery and many hours of his time, has saved the Parish Council hundreds of pounds. In recent months, Mr Asher has assisted in putting up the Christmas Tree, installing the Notice Board, taking down the damaged pillar at the Cemetery and re-hanging the Cemetery gates following the pillar repair works. P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer declared an interest, the remaining Councillors agreed unanimously.
7. Financial Matters
7.i To approve payments as listed separately – payments as listed in document tab were approved unanimously
7.ii Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by P/Cllr Mr R Wood
7.iii Vote results – unanimous
7.iv Resolved – to approve payments as listed
8. To receive a report from the Police – none present
8.1 The Chairman reported that, along with P/Cllr Mr R Higgs, she had met with the Police and ASBO team to discuss antisocial behaviour in Heckington, particularly around the Playing Field. Some measures will be put in place to address the issue.
9. To receive a report from the County Councillor and District Councillors
9.1 C/Cllr Mr A Key reported that the next full County Council meeting will be the Budget meeting. When the opportunity arises, he will push for any increase in budget to be spent on roads, which affects everybody in the county.
9.2 C/Cllr Mr A Key reported that the proposed 40mph limit for East Heckington was still under discussion. The initial length of the restriction was too long. Therefore, a shorter distance was being investigated.
9.3 C/Cllr Mr A Key reported that a Policing priorities survey has gone out to all Parish Council’s giving an ideal opportunity to raise any concerns. C/Cllr Key also suggested inviting Police and Crime Commissioner Marc Jones to speak at the Parish Council’s annual meeting.
9.4 D/Cllr Mrs S Tarry reported that the District Council tax hasn’t been set yet. Fees and charges have been set, garden bins and car parking charges for 2023-24 to stay the same.
9.5 Funding is available for Coronation events through National Lottery Awards for All but there is a 12 week application process.
9.6 D/Cllr Mrs S Tarry acknowledged Parish Council’s concerns regarding a Planning Application for 68 Sleaford Road, she reported that Highways and the Planning Officer are requesting more information.
D/Cllr Mrs S Tarry left the meeting at 1926hrs
10. To receive a report from the Clerk
10.1 The Clerk reported receiving planning matters after the agenda had gone out. Details of the following had been emailed to Councillors:
i. 22/1615/HOUS Notification of Decision Alteration of existing wooden gates to suit automation, installation of underground motors and soakaways and replacement of existing timber windows to UPVC to number 65 (rear and roadside elevation) 63-65 High Street Heckington – Approved.
ii. 22/1492/FUL Notification of Receipt of Amended Plans/Additional Information Extension to existing commercial premises 5 Boston Road Heckington Sleaford
iii. 23/0079/TPO T1 YEW – reduce overall height and spread of crown to max 2m, back to suitable growth points Treetops, Churchill Way, Heckington, Sleaford
iv. 23/0092/TCA T2 Conifer – Remove to stump level; T3 Conifer – Remove to stump level; T4 Conifer – Remove to stump level 26 St Andrews Street Heckington, Sleaford
10.2 The Clerk reported that Heckington Parish Council had received funds of £2870.68 from the Community Infrastructure Levy collected by NKDC from developments taking place in Heckington.
11. To receive reports from Councillor’s relating to their affiliation to local organisations.
Refer to Agenda items 15 & 16
12. Planning Matters (The Parish Council does not have the power to approve nor reject applications – it is merely a consultee and can submit comments)
(1) Applications to be ratified
i. 22/1799/FUL Proposed extension and internal alterations to existing commercial shop unit Abbey Parks Farm Shop Boston Road East Heckington Sleaford
ii. 23/0046/HOUS Erection of single storey extension to rear and side, new porch canopy to front and conversion of downstairs room into bedroom 22 Oak Way Heckington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9FG
iii. 23/0058/TCA G1 – Remove conifers, T1 Silver Birch – fell 37 Eastgate Heckington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9RD
(2) Applications approved
i. 22/1249/FUL Change of use from dog grooming salon to be used as additional living space in connection with the dwelling and occupation of the dwelling without complying with condition 2 of planning 14/0747/FUL Paddocks Paws Littleworth Drove Kyme Road
ii. 22/1433/HOUS Single storey side and rear extension and conversion of garage to form additional living accommodation 6 Howell Road Heckington Sleaford
iii. 22/1408/HOUS Proposed single storey front and rear extension together with removal of existing front boundary wall and erection of black painted metal railings 5 Cameron Street Heckington Sleaford
iv. 22/1467/HOUS Replacement of 3 first floor windows Acorn Cottage 82 High Street Heckington
v. 22/1683/FUL Proposed change of use from bed and breakfast (C1) to residential (C3) 21 Sleaford Road Heckington Sleaford
vi. 22/1630/FUL Proposed change of existing roof material from concrete tile to Eternit Fibre Cement Tile (Natural Slate appearance) and change of boundary treatment on the southern site boundary 3 High Street Heckington Sleaford
(3) Applications refused
i. None received
(4) Applications withdrawn
i. None received
(5) Prior notifications received (information only – no action required from HPC)
i. 22/1732/PNH Single storey rear extension 4.49m in length from the original walls, eaves height of 2.25m a maximum height of 4.0m 10 Allison Road Heckington Sleaford
(6) Planning appeals
i. None received
13. To discuss the Coronation
13.1 The Chairman reported that the Village Hall had been provisionally booked if indoor events are planned. The Primary School have been invited to participate in some way, as they did for the Jubilee. The Parish Council will research options regarding keepsake mementos for the children. C/Cllr A Key agreed to chair an initial meeting for residents and representatives from local groups to attend and share ideas, with the prospect of producing a programme of events. Meeting details to be posted on social media and on village notice boards.
14. To consider renewal of LCC Urban Highways Grass Cutting Agreement for 2023-24 for not less than £750.21 on a rolling basis
14.1 Proposed by P/Cllr R Higgs, seconded by P/Cllr A Garlick
14.2 Vote result – unanimous
14.3 Resolved – to re-join the Scheme as detailed above for the year 2023/24
15. To receive a report from P/Cllr Mr A Garlick re. The Evolis Speed Camera, Sleaford Road
15.1 P/Cllr Mr A Garlick reported that he has been repositioning the solar panels in an attempt to obtain more charge to the speed camera, but it may never be sufficient in the winter months to work to its full potential. The costs for the equipment to connect the speed camera to the mains of a streetlight and the ongoing bill for electricity would be too costly. Therefore, an alternative would be to relocate the device further up the road where the solar panels could receive more light. P/Cllr Mr A Garlick to meet with the Road Safety Partnership to discuss relocation.
16. To receive a report from P/Cllr Mrs A Cooke re. The Swimming Pool
16.1 P/Cllr A Cooke reported that the Swimming Pool Committee had been working very hard, councillors joined P/Cllr A Cooke in praising the dedication of the Committee, volunteering many hours of their time providing the village with such a wonderful asset. P/Cllr A Cooke proposed accepting a payment from The Swimming Pool of £300 towards the outstanding loan. Councillors agreed unanimously.
17. To advise current progress of works by Opals Group
17.1 The Chairman reported that Opals Group is working in the village and surrounding villages installing fibre to provide faster broadband to homes. The works are scheduled to be completed by the end of February but is likely to run into March.
18. To confirm the next full council meeting as 27th February 2023
Meeting confirmed as above.
17. To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (admissions to Meetings) Act 1960
i. No item proposed
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 2009hrs