March 2023 Minutes
Minutes of a meeting of Heckington Parish Council held in Heckington Parish Council, Council Chambers, St Andrews Street, Heckington on Monday 27th March 2023 commencing at 1900hrs
Chairman P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer
Parish Councillors – Mr T Atkinson, Mrs M Cooke, Mr A Garlick, Mr R Higgs, Mr D Long, Mr M Jones, Mr R Woods
District Councillors – None Present
County Councillor – Mr A Key
Minute Taker – Clerk, Ms T Williams
Police Representative – None present
Press Representative – None present
Members of the Public – 4
1. Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks
1.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and went through Health & Safety, fire procedures etc
1.2 The Chairman reported that elections would be held on 4th May, closing date for nominations is 4th April.
2. To receive apologies for absence
2.1 Apologies received and accepted from D/Cllr Mr S Ogden, D/Cllr Mrs S Tarry, P/Cllr Mr R Kemmett and P/Cllr Mr M West
3. To receive a declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
3.1 P/Cllr Mr R Higgs declared an interest in planning application 23/0311/HOUS
4. To consider any requests for dispensations received at or before the start of the meeting.
4.1 None received.
5. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held Monday 27th February 2023
5.i Proposed by Cllr Mr M Jones, seconded by Cllr Mr D Long it was resolved that the minutes were approved and signed. Unanimous vote.
5.ii Matters arising
The Chairman reported that the bus shelter on the High Street had been removed at no cost to the Parish Council. A new ‘no waiting’ sign was then erected by the County Council.
6. Public Participation
6.1 P/Cllr Mr A Garlick reported that the 4 way traffic lights on the Station Road were on when there wasn’t any work taking place. Mr A Garlick queried the need for them to be in constant operation. C/Cllr Mr A Key will request that Highways look into it.
7. Financial Matters
7.i To approve payments as listed separately. The Chairman highlighted that the invoice for the new car park at the Pavilion had just come in. The repointing of the cemetery pillar was complete, the new Nilfisk was now paid in full, new litter and dog bins had arrived and the EDF payment covers January and February – payments as listed in document tab were approved unanimously
Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Woods, seconded by P/Cllr Mr D Long
Vote results – unanimous
Resolved – to approve payments as listed
7.ii To approve the renewal of Website management with WMS, annual cost £340+VAT
Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by P/Cllr Mrs A Cooke
Vote results – unanimous
Resolved – to approve the renewal of Website management
7.iii To approve the vehicle insurance renewal for the new Nilfisk and Polaris. The renewal premium for the coming year with the current insurer is £372.92.
Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by P/Cllr Mrs A Cooke
Vote results – unanimous
Resolved – to approve the vehicle insurance renewal of £372.92
7.iv The Chairman reported that the War Memorial was previously registered at a value of £13,662, it was agreed this would be re-valued. The survey has been completed and the War Memorial is now valued at £42,000. This has resulted in a £41.96 pro rata adjustment on the insurance.
8. To receive a report from the Police – none present
9. To receive a report from the County Councillor and District Councillors
9.1 C/Cllr Mr A Key reported that the statutory consultation for the proposed changes to the speed limit at East Heckington finishes on 31st March, followed by the public consultation starts. P/Cllr Mr A Garlick asked if the County Council could install speed indicator devices at East Heckington. C/Cllr Mr A Key to raise the question with the Road Safety Partnership.
10. To receive a report from the Clerk
The clerk reported that the TRF collection box for the recycling of used printer cartridges had raised £26 for LIVES.
11. To receive reports from Councillor’s relating to their affiliation to local organisations.
P/Cllr Mr R Higgs reported that the swimming pool committee in conjunction with the school have received a grant to install a disabled toilet and replace the gazebo with a wooden built structure to facilitate first aid lessons etc during inclement weather. P/Cllr Mrs A Cooke reported that the swimming pool committee will be hosting a fund raising fashion show on 21st April.
12. Planning Matters (The Parish Council does not have the power to approve nor reject applications – it is merely a consultee and can submit comments)
(1) Applications to be ratified
i. 23/0311/HOUS Replacement of timber sash windows with window box sash double glazed windows and replacement of rear sitting room wooden doors with double glazed doors 4 Cowgate Heckington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9RL
To ratify 23/0311/HOUS - Proposed P/Cllr Mr D Long, seconded by P/Cllr M Jones
Vote results – unanimous (P/Cllr Higgs declared an interest and abstained from vote)
Resolved – to ratify 23/0311/HOUS
(2) Applications approved
i. 22/1799/FUL Proposed extension and internal alterations to existing commercial shop unit Abbey Parks Farm Shop Boston Road East Heckington
ii. 23/0046/HOUS Erection of single storey extension to rear and side, new porch canopy to front and conversion of downstairs room into bedroom 22 Oak Way Heckington Sleaford
(3) Applications refused
i. None received
(4) Applications withdrawn
i. None received
(5) Prior notifications received (information only – no action required from HPC)
i. None received
(6) Planning appeals
i. None received
13. To review a request from Heckington in Bloom for enlarged signs
13.1 The Chairman reported that a request had been received from Heckington in Bloom for enlarged signs for planters around the village. P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer presented a poster to Councillors to illustrate the proposed maximum size and detailed the list of information that would be displayed. Concerns were raised about planning permission, Highways approval and distraction to motorists. P/Cllr Mr R Higgs proposed the Parish Council seek far more comprehensive information than has been detailed in the letter. P/Cllr Mrs A Cooke wished to add an addendum that Heckington in Bloom seek planning advice first. The Chairman sought an agreement on P/Cllr Higgs proposal with P/Cllr A Cooke’s amendment.
13.1 i Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by P/Cllr Mr A Garlick.
13.1 ii Vote results – unanimous
13.1iii Resolved to refer Heckington in Bloom to Planning at NKDC for advice before providing the Parish Council with more detail.
14. To update on Coronation Plans
14.1 The Chairman confirmed the sunflower and potato growing competitions were in hand with the school. Unfortunately the Henpeckers and WI are unable to do the royal display, so that will not go ahead unless someone else volunteers to take it on. Mrs Marriot is underway with the window display on the High Street.
14.2 The Chairman presented an idea to Councillors that as a legacy to the children of the village and in honour of the Coronation we support the school with improving their garden and outdoor learning areas. The Chairman reported that she had met with the school to discuss their vision and wish list for the project. After much discussion and agreement to the project, the Chairman asked that herself and P/Cllr Higgs were set a budget that they could use to buy goods for the school. P/Cllr Mr R Woods proposed a budget of £5000 with a view to consider further spending later, seconded by P/Cllr Mr A Garlick. P/Cllr Mrs A Cooke proposed a budget of £6000, seconded by P/Cllr Mr T Atkinson.
14.2 i Vote results - £5000 4 x for, 2 x against – carried by majority
(P/Cllr J Palmer and P/Cllr Higgs abstained from vote)
14.2 ii Resolved to set the budget at £5000
15. To confirm the next full council meeting as 24th April 2023
Meeting confirmed as above, the Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting at 1942hrs.
16. To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (admissions to Meetings) Act 1960
i. No item proposed