April 2024 Minutes

Minutes of a meeting of Heckington Parish Council held in Heckington Parish Council, Council Chambers, St Andrews Street, Heckington on Monday 29thApril 2024 commencing at 1900hrs.
Chairman - P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer
Parish Councillors – Mr T Atkinson, Mr A Garlick, Mr R Higgs
Mrs T Manning, Mr C Spencer, Mr N Stanley, Mr K Thorpe
District Councillors – Mrs C Collard, Mrs S Tarry
Minute Taker – Clerk, Ms T Williams
Police Representative – None present
Press Representative – None present
Members of the Public – 8
1. Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks
1.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and went through Health & Safety, fire procedures etc
1.2 She reported that the Annual Parish Meeting would be on Thursday 9th May at 7.30pm.
1.3 Road closures are announced on social media 2 weeks before the intended start date. National Grid will be closing Cowgate, Manor Street and Church Street to remove overhead cables and replace them with new underground ones. It has been negotiated for the works to avoid the lead up to Heckington Show, likely to start early August.
1.4 A painting and 4 signed books have been gifted to auction for charity. To be advertised on social media and notice boards, all money raised will go to LIVES.
1.5 Advanced notice given for wreath laying at the War memorial, Arboretum and East Heckington on 6th June to commemorate D-Day 80.
1.6 The Chairman reminded everyone that elections for a Parish Councillor and the Police and Crime Commissioner would be on Thursday 2nd May in the Village Hall, take photo ID.
2. To receive apologies for absence
2.1 Apologies received and accepted from C/Cllr Mr A Key, P/Cllr Mrs D Bell and P/Cllr Ms J Peacock
3. To receive a declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
3.1 None received.
4. To consider any requests for dispensations received at or before the start of the meeting.
4.1 None received.
5. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held Monday 25th March 2024
5.i Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by P/Cllr Mr C Spencer it was resolved that the minutes of Monday 25th March 2024 were approved and signed.
5.i.1 Vote result – 6 for, 2 abstained (not present at meeting)
5.ii Matters arising
5.ii.1 None reported.
6. Public Participation
6.1 The local representative for Royal British Legion reported that the order of D-Day Wreaths for the Parish Council, were expected to arrive on 9th May.
6.2 A member of the public queried the reasoning for going into closed session for ‘land matters’. It was explained this was to protect commercial sensitivity during negotiations.
6.3 A member of the public commented that the wording ‘land matters’ on recent agendas is vague and doesn’t explain if the Council is referring to purchasing, leasing or selling land, leaving the public unaware of what the Parish Council is doing.
7. Financial Matters
7.i To approve payments as listed separately – payments as listed in document tab were approved.
7.i.1 Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by P/Cllr Mrs T Manning
7.i.2 Vote results – unanimous.
7.i.3 Resolved – to approve payments as listed
7.ii To approve ‘in principle’, subject to internal audit, the Financial Audit figures for 2023/2024 (Annual Governance and Accounting Return 2023/2024, Form 3)
7.ii.1 Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by P/Cllr Mr C Spencer
7.ii.2 Vote results – unanimous.
7.ii.3 Resolved – to approve ‘in principle’, subject to internal audit, the Financial Audit figures for 2023/2024 (Annual Governance and Accounting Return 2023/2024, Form 3)
7.iii To approve a donation to Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance. The Chairman reported that a guest speaker from Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance had agreed to speak at the Annual Parish/Community meeting. She sought agreement from fellow councillors to give a token donation of £100 to the charity.
7.iii.1 Proposed by P/Cllr Mr N Stanley, seconded by P/Cllr Mr A Garlick
7.iii.2 Vote results – unanimous.
7.iii.3 Resolved – to approve a donation of £100 to Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance
8. To receive a report from the Police – none present
9. To receive a report from the County Councillor and District Councillors
9.1 In the absence of C/Cllr Mr A Key, the Clerk reported that the Road Safety Partnership would be putting up some 30mph reminder signs in the village. And the installation of the new 40mph signage at East Heckington would be tied in with works to reinstate road markings on the A17, which is taking place over the next few weeks.
9.2 D/Cllr Mrs C Collard raised awareness that the Digital Hub was running a free scams and fraud session on Wednesday 8th May in the Methodist Church. Open session, no need to book.
9.5 D/Cllr Mrs S Tarry reported that she would forward the NK April newsletter to the Clerk. She requested that residents put their bins out by 6.30am for collection, as we are now moving into warmer weather.
D/Cllrs left the meeting at 1920
10. To receive a report from the Clerk
10.1 The Clerk reported that the first half of the precept had been received from NKDC.
10.2 The Community Hub grant for the library had been received from LCC.
10.3 LCC have added additional areas to the Parish Agreement Scheme which has been reflected in a slight contribution increase for 2024-25.
10.4 The clerk reported that a planning application had been received after the agenda had gone out, forwarded to Councillors: 24/0501/HOUS Erection of first floor extension over existing kitchen to front together with extension to existing porch 4 Christopher Close Heckington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9SA
10.5 The Clerk reported attending a memorial inspection course with the ICCM.
11. To receive reports from Councillor’s relating to their affiliation to local organisations.
11.1 P/Cllr Mrs T Manning reported that she is awaiting confirmation from the Diocese, that the Swimming Pool can have permission to utilise a piece of land to the side of the pool. The intention is to build a toilet and shower block for disabled use. If permission is given, funding will be sourced through grants.
12. Planning Matters (The Parish Council does not have the power to approve nor reject applications – it is merely a consultee and can submit comments)
(1) Applications to be ratified
i. None received
(2) Applications approved
i. 23/1313/HOUS Erection of two storey side and rear extension, single storey rear extension and renovation of outbuilding/garden store (revised description and plans) 61 High Street Heckington Sleaford
ii. 24/0005/FUL Erection of agricultural building and associated hardstanding, Mile Cottage Boston Road Heckington
(3) Applications refused
i. None received
(4) Applications withdrawn
i. None received
(5) Prior notifications received (information only – no action required from HPC)
i. None received
(6) Planning appeals
i. None received
13. To discuss bridge at the Playing Fields play park
13.1 P/Cllr Mr R Higgs reported that the bridge on the toddler climbing frame had broken again. This section has been repaired numerous times in the past, and as additional signs of wear were noted, it was his recommendation that the bridge be replaced in its entirety. He had sourced a quote from the supplier, cost of a replacement bridge is £543.58+VAT. Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by P/Cllr Mr A Garlick. Vote result – unanimous
Resolved – to replace the bridge at a cost of £543.58, Clerk to place the order
14. To discuss the maintenance of the Telephone Box at the Village Green
14.1 The Chairman reported that it had been noted that the Telephone Box needed a sand down and a fresh coat of paint. Volunteers offered to undertake the work and it was unanimously agreed that the parish council would provide the supplies.
15. Land matters (was item 16 (closed session) on the agenda
15.1 The Chairman sought permission to move item 16 ‘land matters’, out of closed session to item 15, as this was no longer a confidential item – all agreed.
The Chairman explained that this item had gone on as closed session as all the information wasn’t to hand at the time the agenda was published. Previously the item had been listed in closed session due to commercial sensitivity. The Chairman announced that the Parish Council now own a 6 acres plot of land to turn into Parkland at Star Fen.
The next step suggested, was to graze the land with sheep. She sought agreement from Councillors to use sheep from a reputable farmer, at no cost to the PC, to graze the land – unanimously agreed.
The founder of Boston Parklands, will then come and walk the land and advise of development options going forward.
16. To confirm the next meeting as Monday 20th May 2024 (was item 15 on Agenda)
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 1935hrs