May 2024 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of annual meeting of Heckington Parish Council held in Heckington Parish Council, Council Chambers, St Andrews Street, Heckington on Monday 20th May 2024 commencing at 1900hrs.
Chairman - P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer
Parish Councillors – Mr T Atkinson, Mrs D Bell, Mr A Garlick, Mr R Higgs
Mrs T Manning, Mr C Spencer, Mr N Stanley, Mr K Thorpe, Mrs J Wright
District Councillors – Mrs C Collard
Minute Taker – Clerk, Ms T Williams
Police Representative – None present
Press Representative – None present
Members of the Public – 30
P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer welcomed everyone with the usual health and safety announcements, she then read out the following obituary;
I have to begin this meeting with some sad news. Former Councillor, Malcolm Jones OBE, sadly passed away on Saturday.
Malcolm was a Councillor on this Council for many years, and could always be relied upon to give balanced, sound advice and ideas, often with a slight humour attached. But always with the benefit of the residents in his mind.
He was an extremely hard working member of the Voluntary Car Service, both driving patients to appointments and administrative roles.
He was a great colleague and will be sorely missed by those of us who knew and worked with him and those who were grateful for him driving them to appointments.
A great man. Rest in Peace Malcolm.
1. Election of Chairman for ensuing year (Newly elected member P/Cllr Mrs J Wright not eligible to vote on item 1&2)
1.1 There were 2 nominations for Chairman;
P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer was proposed by P/Cllr R Higgs, seconded by P/Cllr Mr C Spencer, P/Cllr Mrs D Bell was proposed by P/Cllr Mr N Stanley, seconded by P/Cllr Mr K Thorpe.
Vote result – P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer 5 votes, P/Cllr Mrs D Bell 4 votes
Resolved – that P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer continues as Chairman for the ensuing year.
2. Election of Vice Chairman for ensuing year
There were 2 nominations for Vice Chairman;
P/Cllr Mr R Higgs was proposed by P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer, seconded by P/Cllr Mr C Spencer, P/Cllr Mrs D Bell was proposed by P/Cllr Mr K Thorpe, seconded by P/Cllr Mr A Garlick.
Vote result – P/Cllr Mr R Higgs 5 votes, P/Cllr Mrs D Bell 4 votes
Resolved – that P/Cllr Mr R Higgs continues as Vice Chairman for the ensuing year.
ii. The Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office was read aloud and signed in view of all present.
The Vice Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office was read aloud and signed in view of all present.
3. Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks
3.1 The Chairman had nothing further to add.
4. To receive new member declaration of Acceptance of Office
4.1 The newly elected member, Mrs J Wright’s declaration of acceptance of office was read aloud and signed in view of all present.
5. To receive apologies for absence
5.1 Apologies received and accepted from C/Cllr Mr A Key, D/Cllr Mrs S Tarry and P/Cllr Ms J Peacock
6. To receive a declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
6.1 P/Cllr Mr K Thorpe declared an interest in planning application 24/0526/HOUS 28 Foster Street, Heckington.
7. To consider any requests for dispensations received at or before the start of the meeting.
7.1 None received.
8. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held Monday 29th April and the Annual Parish meeting held Thursday 9th May 2024
8.i Proposed by P/Cllr Mr A Garlick, seconded by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs it was resolved that the minutes of Monday 29th April 2024 were approved and signed.
8.i.1 Vote result – 9 for, 1 abstained (not present at meeting)
8.i.2 Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by P/Cllr Mr T Atkinson it was resolved that the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held Thursday 9th May 2024 were approved and signed
8.i.3 Vote result – of the 5 Cllrs present at the APM - 4 for, 1 against
8.ii Matters arising
8.ii.1 None reported.
9. Public Participation
An extended public participation was allowed to give residents the opportunity to raise questions regarding the purchase of land at Star Fen
9.1 A resident expressed surprise that the residents of Star Fen had not been contacted when the initial scheme of viability was discussed as they would have made a valuable contribution in terms of local knowledge. The resident raised concerns about the impact an increase in traffic could have on neighbouring residents. Security, maintenance and the cost of protecting new trees from deer was also raised. The resident asked that the Parish Council give considerable thought to these concerns before spending any more money.
9.2 A resident asked if a business case had been produced. It was explained that no plan had been produced at this stage of the project. Councillor Higgs admitted that a mistake in not producing a business case when attention was drawn to the requirement by the clerk in February 2024.
9.3 A resident asked if the Parish Council had made an application for CIL or S106 monies and was the Poll used for that application. It was explained that the poll results had not been used for that purpose. P/Cllr Mr R Higgs reported that NKDC had confirmed the S106 monies due to the Parish Council would not be eligible for use on the Parkland project expenditure.
9.4 A resident queried why there was no public access to Councillors contact details and why all communication was via the Clerk. The Parish Council will investigate the options before any changes are made.
9.5 A resident asked how the development of the Parkland will be funded and would residents see an increase in Council Tax. The Chairman responded that the intention was to fund the project with grant aid.
9.6 A Village meeting was asked for, the Chairman responded that a Village Meeting would be arranged when the proposed plans were available.
9.7 P/Cllr Mr R Higgs reported that the Parish Council had bought under market value and the land was an asset. Advice would be taken, possible plans would be drawn up and then it would be put to the people of Heckington to decide in a public referendum. If the public don’t want it, an option would be to rent the land out, the revenue would exceed the bank interest. Also, the Parish Council has a legal duty to provide interment plots and with the Cemetery close to capacity, the land would give breathing space to buy more suitable land in the future.
9.8 A resident requested that the website be updated – the Clerk to action.
10. Financial Matters
10.i To approve payments as listed separately – payments as listed in document tab were approved.
10.i.1 Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by P/Cllr Mr T Atkinson
10.i.2 Vote results – unanimous.
10.i.3 Resolved – to approve payments as listed
It was agreed that P/Cllr Mrs D Bell will investigate alternative litter/dog bin suppliers.
10.ii.1 To approve emergency repairs at The Pavilion – previously reported to Councillors by email
10.ii.2 P/Cllr Higgs’ report detailed repairs required to a toilet and container shutter door at The Pavilion. It was decided that the shutter door would be addressed at the next meeting. Options to replace the broken macerator toilet at The Pavilion were discussed. P/Cllr Mr N Stanley proposed that the long term and cost effective solution would be to connect the toilet up to the main sewer, eliminating the need for a macerator system, seconded by P/Cllr Mr K Thorpe it was resolved to proceed with the work to replace the broken macerator with a standard toilet connected to the main sewer.
10.iii.3 Vote result – 9 for, 1 against
P/Cllr Mrs D Bell requested three quotes are obtained and reported for works and a
5 year plan is made to budget expenditure.
11. To receive a report from the Police – none present
12. To receive a report from the County Councillor and District Councillors
12.1 D/Cllr Mrs C Collard gave a reminder of the climate change survey open to Town and Parish Council, that was due to close on 23rd May.
D/Cllr left the meeting at 1953
13. To receive a report from the Clerk
13.1 The Clerk reported that a planning application had been received after the agenda had gone out: 24/0534/HOUS Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of single storey side/rear extension 36 Church Street Heckington Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9RJ. The planning application was circulated to Cllrs via email, no comments raised.
13.2 The Clerk reported that the D-Day 80 wreaths had been received, P/Cllr Mr C Spencer volunteered to lay the wreaths on 6th June.
14. To discuss and approve areas for individual Councillor roles if required (note - this does NOT give any delegated authority to any single Councillor for formal decision making on behalf of the Council)
Before Councillor roles were discussed, P/Cllr Mr T Atkinson reported that the Chair of the Village Hall committee intended to resign in September.
14.1 The following areas were discussed and Councillor roles were agreed:
Allotments – P/Cllr T Atkinson & P/Cllr D Bell
Cemetery – P/Cllr J Palmer & P/Cllr R Higgs
Finance – P/Cllr J Palmer, P/Cllr R Higgs, P/Cllr T Atkinson & P/Cllr D Bell
Pavilion & Playing Fields – P/Cllr R Higgs, P/Cllr N Stanley, P Cllr K Thorpe, P/Cllr J Wright
Swimming Pool – P/Cllr T Manning & P/Cllr J Wright
Village Hall – P/Cllr T Atkinson
15. Planning Matters (The Parish Council does not have the power to approve nor reject applications – it is merely a consultee and can submit comments)
(1) Applications to be ratified
i. 24/0526/HOUS Erection of 2 storey side/rear extension 28 Foster Street Heckington Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9RU
(2) Applications approved
i. 24/0226/LBC Application to replace existing double-glazed wooden windows with wooden double glazed sash windows, widening of pedestrian access and replacement of wooden gate Tea Rooms The Mill 6 Hale Road
ii. 24/0311/HOUS Replacement of windows on the ground floor and 1st floor front elevation and replacement of original front door 15 Church Street Heckington Sleaford
(3) Applications refused
i. None received
(4) Applications withdrawn
i. None received
(5) Prior notifications received (information only – no action required from HPC)
i. None received
(6) Planning appeals
i. None received
16. To address concerns raised at the Annual Parish Meeting
16.1 The Chairman decided this item had been covered during public participation. P/Cllr Mr N Stanley and P/Cllr Mrs D Bell requested that an Extraordinary Meeting be called regarding the land purchase. The Clerk asked that they put their request in writing.
17. To discuss the park at the Playing Field
17.1 The size of the park at the Playing Field and the potential limitations imposed by Sport England were discussed. It was agreed that P/Cllr Mrs D Bell would seek public opinion on extending the park and make enquiries with Sport England and NKDC planning.
18. To confirm the next meeting as Monday 24th June 2024
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 2004hrs