April 2024 Agenda

Dear Sir/Madam
I hereby give you notice that the Meeting of Heckington Parish Council will be held in Council Chambers, St Andrews Street, Heckington on Monday 29th April 2024 at 7.00pm.
Members of the Press and Public are invited to attend.
All members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting, as set out hereunder.
Signed: T A Williams
Dated: 23th April 2024
Heckington Parish Council
1. Chairman’s Welcome and opening remarks
2. To receive apologies for absence
3. To receive a declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
4. To consider any requests for dispensations received at or before the start of the meeting.
5. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held Monday 25th March 2024
i. Minutes to be approved and signed
ii. Matters arising
6. Public Participation
Fifteen minutes will be set aside for Members of the Public to make comments or suggestions. There Chairman reserves the right to limit each individual to a maximum of 3 minutes. No decisions will be taken on any issues raised, and items may be carried forward to the next meeting’s agenda.
7. Financial Matters
i. To approve payments as listed separately
ii. To approve ‘in principle, subject to internal audit’ the Financial Audit figures for 2023/2024 (Annual Governance and Accounting Return 2023/2024, Form 3)
iii. To approve a donation to Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance
8. Receive a report from the Police
9. Receive a report from the County and District Councillors
10. Receive a report from the Clerk
11. Receive reports from Councillor’s relating to their affiliation to local organisations
12. Planning Matters. (The Parish Council does not have the power to approve nor reject applications – it is merely a consultee and can submit comments)
(1) Applications to be ratified
i. None received
(2) Applications approved
i. 23/1313/HOUS Erection of two storey side and rear extension, single storey rear extension and renovation of outbuilding/garden store (revised description and plans) 61 High Street Heckington Sleaford
ii. 24/0005/FUL Erection of agricultural building and associated hardstanding, Mile Cottage Boston Road Heckington
(3) Applications refused
i. None received
(4) Applications withdrawn
i. None received
(5) Prior notifications received (information only – no action required from HPC)
i. None received
(6) Planning appeals
i. None received
13. To discuss bridge at the Playing Fields play park.
14. To discuss the maintenance of the Telephone Box at the Village Green.
15. To confirm the next meeting as Monday 20th May 2024
16. To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 –
i. Land matters