July 2024 Agenda

Dear Sir/Madam
I hereby give you notice that the Annual Meeting of Heckington Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall, High Street, Heckington, NG34 9RA on Monday 29th July 2024 at 8.00pm.
Members of the Press and Public are invited to attend.
All members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting, as set out hereunder.
Signed: Heidi Wilson
Heidi Wilson
Dated: 24th July 2024
Acting Clerk, Heckington Parish Council
Public Forum: Fifteen minutes will be set aside for Members of the Public to ask questions or make short statements to the Council. The Chairman reserves the right to limit each individual to a maximum of 3 minutes. The Council may choose not to answer any question; a response may instead be given in writing. Matters raised may be added to an agenda for a future meeting. Members of the public are welcome to stay for the Parish Council meeting after the public session but are not permitted to speak during that meeting.
1. Chairman’s Welcome and opening remarks
2. Councillors present
3. Apologies
Apologies for absence and reasons given
4. To receive any reports of member’s interest, pecuniary or otherwise in relation to the agenda and any dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
5. i. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held Monday 24th June 2024
ii. Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28th June 2024
6. Receive a report from the County and District Councillors.
7. Receive a report from the Police
8. General Matters
i. To propose to engage LALC services and appoint an Acting Clerk on a temporary basis at a cost of £25 per hour
ii. Civility & Respect Pledge
iii. The provision of a hearing loop in the Parish Council building and the Village Hall.
iv. BMX/Skate park
v. Report from the EOM
vi. Star Fen Opinion Poll/Referendum
vii. Annual Parish Meeting - Minutes
9. Highways
i. To receive any reports of new or outstanding highways defects.
ii. Weight limit request for Kyme Road and Littleworth Drove.
10. Planning Matters
The Parish Council does not have the power to approve nor reject applications – it is merely a consultee and can submit comments
11. Financial Matters
i. To resolve to approve Insurance Renewal
ii. To resolve to approve the monthly income and expenditure account
iii. Financial Regulations 5.2
iv. Compliance with the Transparency Code 2015
v. Public Rights Inspection Period Extension (12-31 August 2024)
12. Correspondence
13. Date and time of the next meeting
30 September 2024 (time and location TBC)
14. To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 if required.