December 2024 DRAFT Minutes (EOM)


Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Heckington Parish Council on Monday 2 December 2024 at 7pm in the Heckington Parish Council Chambers, St Andrews Street, Heckington

1.    Chair’s Welcome and Opening Remarks
The Chair, Councillor Spencer opened the meeting and welcomed members of the public and councillors to this unexpected extraordinary meeting of the parish council.  He delivered the usual health and safety announcements and asked those in attendance to  silence their mobile devices.  He informed the meeting that the hearing loop has now been installed and asked those with hearing aids to enable their devices to the t-coil setting. 

2.    Public Forum: 
Further to an explanation given by Councillor Garlick at the November meeting of the Parish Council, a member of the public asked whether it would be possible to re-site the Elancity Speed Indicator to another location where it might receive more sunlight.
Action:  Clerk to communicate with Elancity and the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. 

A member of the public complained about parking on Church Street and St Andrews Street following the installation of double yellow lines. The Chair explained that this is on a list of items to discuss with Rowan Smith, Head of Highways for Lincolnshire County Council.

A member of the public asked whether storage containers had been arranged for the football and cricket clubs at the pavilion.  There was some suggestion that this had been shelved.  
Action:  Clerk to scour previous minutes for history.  Pavilion Committee to discuss.  Item to be added to budgetary discussions. 

The same member of the public reported on the state of the guttering at the pavilion.  The Chair confirmed that this will be addressed as part of the building survey. 

3.    Councillors present
Councillor Spencer, Chair
Councillor Garlick, Vice-Chair
Councillor Atkinson
Councillor O’Connor
Councillor Peacock
Councillor Stanley
Councillor Thorpe
Councillor Tucker
Councillor Wright

4.    Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillors Bell and Davison.  The reasons for their absence were noted and accepted. 

5.    To receive any reports of member’s interest, pecuniary or otherwise in relation to the agenda and any dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

6.    Pavilion
a)    Findings of the buildings survey and structural engineers site visit during the week commencing Monday 25 November 2024 and to agree an action plan suggested by the structural engineer  

The building survey report is not yet available.  

During the maintenance survey on 26 November 2024, Alan Doherty of the appointed company Carter Jonas, expressed concern over the state of the roof on the single-storey extension.  As a result, the pavilion was forced to close for several days.  A structural engineer was subsequently appointed to inspect the roof on Friday 29 November 2024.  

The following is a summary of the correspondence received on Monday 2 December 2024 from Senior Structural Engineer, Jenna Sewell of Mason, Navarro, Pledge.

The inspection determined that the timber trusses in the roof on the single storey extension are out of plumb by up to 200mm at the worst location; there are no binders or in plan bracing in the roof space.  At the junction where the single storey roof meets the adjoining two-storey portion, it is noted that there is a gap present between the masonry and the first rafter.  No restraint is provided between the masonry wall and the adjacent roof.  There is evidence of water ingress at this junction.  Externally, the gable wall is out of plumb by 75mm; there are no signs of distress in the facing brickwork.  In the medium term, the distortion may progress to the point of instability in the roof structure.  

Recommendations to be completed prior to the end of January 2025 include:
•    Add in place bracing to the underside of rafters. 
•    Add binder to connect all rafters.
•    Add straps to attach the roof to the two-storey section of the building and to restrain the gable wall.  

The Chair proposed that the parish council seek three quotes for repairs to the roof within the indicated timescale.  The proposal was seconded by Councillor Garlick and the motion was passed unanimously, by resolution of the council. 

The Chair proposed that upon completion of the work, the Structural Engineer is asked to return to examine the repairs to ensure that the work had been completed to the required standard and he indicated that there would be a cost for this.  The proposal was seconded by Councillor Stanley and the motion was passed unanimously, by resolution of the council. 

Councillor Atkinson expressed his confusion as to how the roof had moved.  The Chair and Councillor Wright explained, per the comments made by the Structural Engineer, that the roof may have shifted soon after construction.  Councillor Atkinson asked whether buildings regulations had changed indicating that North Kesteven District Council’s building inspector had checked the build.  The Chair explained that building regulations do change; he explained that prior to the purchase of his house, a pre-purchase survey indicated that work was required in his roof to bring it in line with current regulations which had obviously changed since construction of his house.  Councillor Atkinson went on to ask whether the responsibility for this lies with NK as they had inspected the building. The Chair used Grenfell Tower as an example which was constructed in accordance with building regulations at the time of construction.  Councillor Garlick added that the extension roof has become detached from the original building; he emphasised that this needs to be corrected.  Councillor Atkinson agreed that the work needs to be completed but he assumed that NK would be responsible.   

Councillor Stanley stated that there is insufficient loft insulation and suggested a quote is obtained for this. 
Action:  Clerk to seek three quotes for the suggested repairs, for insulation and other items highlighted in the maintenance report from Carter Jonas.  

The Chair proposed that funds be moved from the Chambers budget head to the Pavilion budget head to cover the costs of the emergency repairs.  The proposal was seconded by Councillor Thorpe and the motion was passed unanimously by resolution of the council. 

b)    Expenditure for the site visit by the structural engineer
The Chair proposed that £950.00 plus VAT, the fee for the Structural Engineer’s inspection is ratified as this had to be agreed out with a meeting.  The proposal was seconded by Councillor Garlick and the motion was passed unanimously, by resolution of the council. 

c)    Delegation of powers to the Finance Committee relating to the Pavilion tenancy agreement 
The Chair informed the meeting that the tenancy agreement has been outstanding for some time and the thought process behind delegating this task to the finance committee is that the committee is up and running and meeting regularly.  The proposal was seconded by Councillor Wright and the motion was passed unanimously, by resolution of the council. 

7.    Committees
a)    The completion of the staffing of council committees
i)    Pavilion
ii)    Cemetery
iii)    Allotments 
iv)    Staffing
v)    Finance
•    To discuss the delegation of powers to the Finance Committee to deal with all contracts which are private and confidential in nature. 

The Chair proposed that the staffing of committees, items i) to iv) is deferred to the next meeting of the parish council.  Staffing of the finance committee will also not be discussed but the bullet point in relation to the delegation of powers to the finance committee will be discussed.  The proposal was seconded by Councillor Tucker and the motion was passed unanimously, by resolution of the council. 

Per a member of the public’s comments, it is acknowledged that this item should ideally have read 7. b).  

The Chair proposed that powers are delegated to the Finance Committee in relation to contracts that are private and confidential in nature.  The proposal was seconded by Councillor Tucker and the motion was passed unanimously, by resolution of the council. 

The chair closed the meeting at 19.19pm.