January 2022 Minutes

Minutes of a meeting of Heckington Parish Council held in Heckington Village Hall, High Street, Heckington on Monday 31st January 2022 commencing at 1930hrs
Chairman - P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer
Parish Councillors – Mr T Atkinson, Ms M Cooke, Mr A Garlick, Mr R Higgs, Mr M Jones, Mrs S Tucker, Mr M West, Mr R Woods
County Councillor – Mr A Key
District Councillors – Mrs S Tarry, Mr S Ogden
Minute Taker – Clerk, Ms J Hudson
Police Representative – None present
Press Representative – None present
Members of the Public – 6
Councillor Mr R Doughty left the room before the meeting started and did not return
1. Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks
1.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and went through Health & Safety, fire procedures etc
1.2 She reported that there had been a break in at the allotments which was being dealt with by the Police.
1.3 She confirmed that the precept meeting held on 17th January 2022, had resulted in an increase on a Band D property of 10p for the Parish Council part of the Council Tax.
2. To receive apologies for absence
2.1 Apologies had been received from P/Councillor Mr R Kemmett
3. To receive a declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
3.1 None declared
4. To consider any requests for dispensation received at or before the start of the meeting
4.1 None received
5. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 29th November 2021 and the Precept Meeting held Monday 17th January 2022
5.1 Proposed by P/Cllr Mr M Jones, seconded by P/Cllr Mr M West – voted unanimously by those present that the November minutes be signed.
5.2 Proposed by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs, seconded by P/Cllr Mr R Woods – voted unanimously by those present that the Precept minutes be signed.
6. Public Participation
Fifteen minutes will be set aside for Members of the Public to make comments or suggestions. The Chairman reserves the right to limit each individual to a maximum of 3 minutes. No decisions will be taken on any issues raised, and items may be carried forward to the next meeting’s agenda.
6.1 A resident announced a charity event being organised by Millview Medical Centre for their Community Fund and volunteers would be welcome. A cricket match between the Medical Centre and the ‘Village’ is being held on Thursday 2nd June 2022 as part of HM The Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations.
7. To consider financial matters –
i. To approve payments as listed –
Account movement to 31st Jan since last Ratification (Nov 2021) at Agenda item 7.1
Date Reference Description Debit Credit
18-Nov-21 PCASH Rent - Allotments - Adjustment 91.20
22-Nov-21 DDebit Electricity - Chambers 207.64
22-Nov-21 DDebit Electricity - Cemetery 49.54
29-Nov-21 PCash65 Maintenance - Chambers - window cleaning 21.00
29-Nov-21 Credit Rent - Allotments 36.47
29-Nov-21 Credit Rent - Allotments 36.47
30-Nov-21 BACS Maintenance - Playing Fields - barrier repair 250.00
30-Nov-21 BACS Tree Works - Houlden Way 600.00
30-Nov-21 BACS Maintenance - Nilfisk Machine jockey wheel euromec 85.85
30-Nov-21 BACS Donations - streetmaster benches for residents 1,252.92
30-Nov-21 BACS Donaldsons DIY 41.48
30-Nov-21 BACS Maintenance - Polaris - warning lights - agm 247.51
01-Dec-21 BACS Christmas Decorations - tree - aswarby estate 230.00
01-Dec-21 BACS Office Supplies - ESPO stationery 74.40
01-Dec-21 BACS Office Supplies - ESPO stationery 129.06
01-Dec-21 Credit Maintenance - Playing Fields - repaid by resident 20.00
03-Dec-21 Credit Cemetery Income 143.08
07-Dec-21 BACS Office Supplies - ink from inagiffy Ltd 89.92
09-Dec-21 BACS Maintenance - Cemetery - A1 alarms 1,224.00
09-Dec-21 Credit Bank Interest 1.57
09-Dec-21 Credit66 Rent - Allotments additional key issue 15.00
10-Dec-21 DDebit Bank Charges 13.10
13-Dec-21 DDeibt Phone 95.23
15-Dec-21 DDebit Fuel chandlers 500 @70.81p 371.75
15-Dec-21 DDebit Pension Contributions 204.52
16-Dec-21 BACS Maintenance - Chambers Daitch - switch by lift 84.00
17-Dec-21 SOrder Chairmans Allowance 60.00
20-Dec-21 DDebit Electricity - Cemetery 62.66
20-Dec-21 DDebit Electricity - Chambers 224.86
23-Dec-21 BACS Hire of Rooms - village hall November meeting 20.00
30-Dec-21 SOrder NIC and PAYE 2,230.13
04-Jan-22 Credit Office Supplies - refund by HAVACS for diaries 2022 6.00
04-Jan-22 BACS Office Supplies - pc maintenance Dec 2021 20.00
04-Jan-22 Credit Maintenance - Playing Fields repaid by resident 20.00
05-Jan-22 Credit Cemetery Income - Kent 71.54
06-Jan-22 Credit HMRC - VAT reclaim 2,078.60
10-Jan-22 DDebit Pension Contributions 204.52
10-Jan-22 Credit Bank Interest 1.67
14-Jan-22 DDebit Bank Charges 9.55
14-Jan-22 BACS Maintenance - Nilfisk Machine euromec brushes 185.28
14-Jan-22 BACS Inspections/Maint - Fire Safety 254.61
14-Jan-22 BACS Inspections/Maint - Fire Safety - Arion commissioning 240.00
17-Jan-22 SOrder Chairmans Allowance 60.00
17-Jan-22 DDebit Phone 95.23
20-Jan-22 DDebit Electricity - Cemetery 68.13
20-Jan-22 DDebit Electricity - Chambers 242.93
21-Jan-22 DDebit Water - Cemetery 9.22
21-Jan-22 DDebit Water - Allotments 14.08
25-Jan-22 BACS Maintenance - Village Glasdon dog bins 649.51
25-Jan-22 BACS Office Supplies - computer maint/malwareupdate etc 75.00
25-Jan-22 BACS Maintenance - Polaris wheelcraft puncture 15.00
25-Jan-22 BACS Office Supplies new battery for laptop 34.60
31-Jan-22 Transfer Transfer to Lloyds - Instant Account 10,000.00
31-Jan-22 Transfer Transfer from Lloyds - Deposit Account 10,000.00
31-Jan-22 BACS Maintenance - Supplies screwfix - tarmac repair 23.99
31-Jan-22 BACS Staff Clothing - Turnbulls 78.70
31-Jan-22 BACS Capital Equipment - petrol hedgetrimmer 247.73
31-Jan-22 BACS Donaldsons DIY 35.37
Dec Salaries 3,652.66
Jan Salaries 2,371.60
Current balances over 3 months
Account Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22
1 Lloyds - Instant Account 17,608.48 9,005.27 16,246.36
2 Lloyds - Deposit Account 190,911.83 190,913.40 180,915.07
3 Petty Cash Account 72.03 87.03 87.03
Total 208,592.34 200,005.70 197,248.46
7.i.1 Proposed by P/Cllr Mr M West, seconded by P/Cllr Mr R Higgs
7.i.2 Vote results – unanimous
7.i.3 Resolved – to approve payments as listed
7.ii. To consider verbal request from Community Swimming Pool to defer loan repayment for a further year (Currently £1,000 has been repaid from a total loan of £4,000)
7.ii.1 Councillors asked for more information regarding current financial statements, fund raising status etc. P/Cllr Mr T Atkinson proposed to defer decision until more information is received. Seconded by P/Cllr Mr M West.
7.ii.2 Resolved – to defer decision until further information is requested and produced.
7.iii. To receive update from P/Cllr Mr R Higgs regarding request from Bowls Club for donation and consider request.
7.iii.1 P/Cllr Mr R Higgs reported that on 3rd November 2021 he had requested further information and financial accounts from the Bowls Club, but that nothing had been received.
7.iii.2 It was also confirmed that the request did not fall under Section 137, LGA 1972, and that consequently a donation could not be legally made in this instance.
8. To receive a report from the Police
8.1 No specific report submitted
9. To receive a report from the County and District Councillors
9.1 C/Cllr Mr A Key encouraged residents to join the on-line campaign by LCC to ‘Fix our Funds to Fix our Roads’, which aims to get central government to return the £12million grant which was cut.
9.2 The Chairman highlighted some outstanding issues with roads and also with the apparent poor standards of repairs.
The County Councillor left the meeting at 1953hrs
9.3 D/Cllr Mrs S Tarry reported that the review into the opening of the Willow Close communal lounge was due, but that there was no news as yet.
9.4 She also reported that there IS a budget for security lighting in Social Housing areas, and that the Tenant Liaison Officer was speaking to the residents affected.
9.5 P/Cllr Mrs S Tucker reported that the current signage on the door of the lounge was incorrect, and that there was a light on constantly.
9.6 D/Cllr Mrs S Tarry confirmed that the budget for NKDC was to be considered at their meeting of Full Council to be held on 3rd March 2022.
The D/Cllrs left the meeting at 1958hrs
10. To receive a report from the Clerk
10.1 The Clerk detailed a withdrawn planning application, which had been received too late for inclusion on the agenda.
11. To receive reports from Councillor’s relating to their affiliation to local organisations.
11.1 P/Cllr Mr A Garlick reported that Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership were still working on installing the pole on Sleaford Road for the new and permanent Evolis Speed Indicator Sign.
12. Planning Matters
12.1 Applications to be ratified
i. 21/1330/FUL – Residential conversion and extension of the existing barn, upgrade to the existing access and change of use of the land from agricultural to residential garden curtilage – Barn South of Littleworth Drove and North of A17 Heckington Fen, Sleaford, NG34 9NA
ii. 21/1600/HOUS – Erection of timber fencing, replacement of sash windows and guttering, creation of patio/decking area, paint west facing wall and replace/paint outbuilding shed doors – 30 St Andrews Street, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9RE
iii. 21/1782/FUL – Retrospective siting of existing catering trailer and replacement of current catering trailer with a visually improved catering container and partial change of use to takeaway service (sui generis) - Abbey Parks Farm Shop, Boston Road, East Heckington, Sleaford, Boston
iv. 21/1783/ADV – Erection of illuminated sign displaying business name (retrospective) – Abbey Parks Farm Shop, Boston Road, East Heckington, Sleaford, Boston
v. 21/1912/HOUS – Erection of single storey rear extension – 5 Laxton Close, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9TS
vi. 21/1922/HOUS – Erection of single storey rear extension – 14 Hubbard Close, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9UT
vii. 21/1904/HOUS – Proposed rear extension and internal alterations – 15 St Andrews Street, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 9RE
12.2 Applications approved
i. 21/1421/FUL – Proposed construction of cabin and partial change of use from domestic to that of a beauty salon – 30 Dickinson Road, Heckington, Sleaford
ii. 21/1756/HOUS – Erection of 2 storey side extension – 6 Foster Street, Heckington, Sleaford
12.3 Applications rejected
i. None received
12.4 Applications withdrawn
i. 21/0974/FUL - Erection of 25 no. dwellings with access onto Freeston Road and change of use of agricultural land to school playing field (serving St Andrews CofE Primary School) with access onto Howell Road – Land Northwest of Freeston Road and Land Southwest of Howell Road, Heckington
12.5 Prior notifications received (information only – no action required from HPC)
i. None received
12.6 Planning appeals
i. None received
13. To review application by Ecotricity (Heck Fen solar) for an Order granting Development Consent for the Heckington Fen Solar Park (the proposed development) and agree consultee response
13.1 P/Cllr Mr M West confirmed that the project is still at the consulting stage and that the company has to show that other organisations have also been consulted.
13.2 P/Cllr Mr T Atkinson queried whether the land was prime agricultural land, and/or is there poorer quality land that could be used. It was also commented that it is likely that sheep would be able to graze around the panels.
14. To discuss and update plans for the Jubilee celebrations
14.1 A written proposal had been previously circulated by P/Cllr Ms S Tucker to hold an event on the High Street, Church Street and Village Green, with stalls, entertainment and with an afternoon tea being offered to the over 80’s. (limited numbers can be accommodated and it is likely that over 80’s may have celebrated the actual coronation).
14.2 P/Cllr Mr R Higgs supported the location of the event as it is central.
14.3 P/Cllr Mrs Jan Palmer to arrange for Hall booking, the Clerk to arrange road closures, P/Cllr Mr R Higgs to research mementos for Heckington children, P/Cllr Mrs S Tucker to send out role requirements in order for all Councillors to be involved in some aspect.
15. To discuss standards of LCC Highways maintenance
15.1 The Chairman had previously outlined some ongoing issues during the County Councillor section at item 9.
16. To confirm the next full Parish Council monthly meeting as Monday 28th February 2022
16.1 The next meeting date was confirmed as above.
17. To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960.
i. To discuss security at allotment site
17.1 Proposed by P/Cllr Mr A Garlick, seconded by P/Cllr Mr R Woods
17.2 Vote results – unanimous
17.3 Resolved – to go into closed session as above
Members of the Public left the meeting at 2018hrs
17.i Details of the allotment break in were discussed. The Clerk reported that the Parish Council insurance does not cover incidents/loss of this kind, but that as an official group, the Allotment Association may be able to obtain its own insurance. Full perimeter metal fencing was suggested to be expensive and far in excess of the benefit it would bring. The allotments are used by only a small number of residents in comparison to the total electorate. Angle grinders were used to break through the substantial lock, and a new one had been ordered from Nick Marshall. Tenants are advised not to leave equipment on site. Agreed by all that a summary letter be sent by the Clerk to all allotment holders updating the situation.
17.ii P/Cllr Mrs S Tucker asked if there was an update on the situation with St Andrews Church and the requested takeover of the churchyard. P/Cllrs Mrs J Palmer and Mr R Higgs reported that it had been confirmed that there was no legal case for HPC to answer and it had also been confirmed that the maintenance work to the churchyard has to be actioned prior to the takeover which is scheduled for July 2022.
17.iii The Chairman reported that following a staff appraisal, the office would be closed to the Public on Wednesday mornings to allow the Clerk to work undisturbed.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 2054hrs