May 2022 Minutes

Minutes of a meeting of Heckington Parish Council held in Heckington Village Hall, High Street, Heckington on Monday 30th May 2022 commencing at 1930hrs
Chairman - P/Cllr Mrs J Palmer
Parish Councillors – Mr T Atkinson, Mrs M Cooke, Mr A Garlick, Mr R Higgs, Mr M Jones, Mr R Kemmett, Mr D Long, Mr M West, Mr R Woods
County Councillor – None present
District Councillors – Mr S Ogden, Mrs S Tarry
Minute Taker – Clerk, Ms J Hudson
Police Representative – None present
Press Representative – None present
Members of the Public – 7
1. Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks
1.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and went through Health & Safety, fire procedures etc
1.2 She remarked that there had been an increase of reports/complaints of dogs roaming off lead in the cemetery, which has caused concern to other residents and visitors to the cemetery. She confirmed that it would be an agenda item for the next meeting for discussion on how to deal with it.
1.3 She congratulated the work of volunteer team Heckington Best Kept Blooming Village and informed the meeting that the team was preparing to enter the ‘Britain in Bloom’ competition (Best Kept Village not taking place this year).
1.4 The Chairman then stood down from the position of Chair, and Vice Chairman Cllr Mr R Higgs took over proceedings.
2.i Election of Chairman for the ensuing year
2.i.1 Cllr Mr R Higgs proposed Cllr Mrs J Palmer and he asked for other nominations.
2.ii. There being no other nominations and having confirmed her willingness to stand, a vote was taken and Cllr Mrs J Palmer was elected unanimously. She read out the Declaration of Office and re-took the position of Chairman.
2.iii. Cllr Mr R Higgs, having stood down as Vice Chairman, was nominated by Cllr Mr R Kemmett to stand for the ensuing year.
2.iii. There being no other nominations and having confirmed his willingness to stand, a vote was taken and Cllr Mr R Higgs was elected unanimously. He read out the Declaration of Office and re-took the position of Vice Chairman.
3. To receive apologies for absence
3.1 None received at this time (the Clerk subsequently noted the email (sent Monday afternoon) with apologies from County Councillor Mr A Key)
4. To receive a declaration of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
4.1 Cllr Mrs J Palmer declared an interest in item 13.x (neighbour)
5. To consider any requests for dispensations received at or before the start of the meeting.
5.i None received
6. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held Monday 25th April 2022 and the Parish Meeting held Monday 11th April 2022
6.1 Proposed by Cllr Mr D Long, seconded by Cllr Mr M West, and with majority votes of those present at the above meetings, it was resolved that the minutes were approved and signed.
6.ii Matters arising – the Chairman confirmed that the new noticeboard for the Village Green was due to be delivered 14th July 2022.
6.ii.2 Cllr Mr T Atkinson raised the issue of the plot sizes at the allotment. The full plots have been considered too large for most people and Cllr Mr D Long agreed that it would be beneficial to split the 2 vacant full plots into 2 half plots each so that the waiting list can be fulfilled. No objections.
7. Public Participation
7.1 A resident expressed concerns again about the tree on Bramley Close/Millers Way which had been the subject of concerns with NKDC tree officers. He was advised to also put in an NKDC application to request works as well as the Parish Council application.
7.2 Heckington in Bloom representative reported that the judging was taking place on 8th July 2022 with some pre-judging the week before. She continues to encourage residents to display bunting, carry out weed removal etc and expressed concern about the continued collapse of the brick walls on Cameron Street and Eastgate. It was confirmed that they are private property.
8. Financial Matters
8.i To approve payments as listed separately – payments as listed below were approved unanimously
Quote for cemetery tree £775.00 to be considered and agreed
Account movement to 30 May since last Ratification (Apr 2022)
Date Reference Description Debit Credit
4th May 2022 PCash75 Other Income - recycling waste donation 3
5th May 2022 BACS Jubilee Celebrations - mugs price increase 105.84
5th May 2022 PCash76 Other Income - key deposit allotment 15
5th May 2022 PCash77 Other Income - key deposit return 15
9th May 2022 Credit Bank Interest 1.65
19th May 2022 PCash78 Maintenance - Chambers - cleaning products 4.5
26th May 2022 BACS Rates - Cemetery 499.00
13th May 2022 BACS keys for new tank 57.60
9th May 2022 Bcard JP Jubilee tablewear from yorkshire trading 26.82
13-May-22 BACS Digital maintenance 30.00
9th May 2022 BCARD JP amazon - cord for bunting 8.29
12th may Bcard JP Crowders - trees for cemetery 50.22
18th may Ddebit electricity chamber 253.86
18th May Ddebit Electricity cemetery 118.97
1st May 2022 Credit Western Power Rent 170.00
5th May 2022 BACS donaldsons 102.15
5th May 2022 BACS website maintenance 360.00
12th May bank charges 8.70
5th May 2022 BACS Kiowa - hydraulic couplings 53.36
5th May 2022 BACS Village hall hire for march meeting 20.00
5th May 2022 BACS Village Hall hire for 2 x april meetings 40.00
5th May 2022 BACS helix - printing costs for jubilee congrats book 62.00
5th May 2022 BACS Additional pension payments re accountant email 123.41
5th May 2022 BACS Additional £105.84 for mugs 105.84
15th May BACS Phone 95.23
18th May 2022 SO Chairmans allowance 60.00
30th May BACS Donaldsons for May 64.60
30th May BACS Jewsons - adhesive and joist 22.27
30th May BACS Mole control - complete weed solutions 569.64
30th May Bcard JP Sainsburys - toast for jubilee big lunch 35.00
30th May Bcard JP Tescos - catering items for jubilee big lunch 35.68
30th May BACS AGM - Jump starter 83.95
30th May BACS AGM - warning tape 10.37
30th May BACS AGM - additional warning tape 5.18
May Salaries salaries 2518.88
Parish Council 2022 - 2023
Balances Apr-22
Account Start Bal. Apr-22
1 Lloyds - Instant Account 12,931.47 14,725.40
2 Lloyds - Deposit Account 169,332.88 212,074.63
3 Petty Cash Account 122.04 102.55
Total 182,386.39 226,902.58
8.ii To approve additional payment for increase in Jubilee Mug costs – additional £105.84
8.ii.1 The Clerk reported that there had been an increase in costs of mugs since the original advertisement as seen in The Clerk magazine, and that an additional £105.84 was required.
8.ii.2 Proposed by Cllr Mr M Jones, seconded by Cllr Mr R Woods
8.ii.3 Vote results – unanimous
8.ii.4 Resolved – to retrospectively approve the additional payment of £105.84
8.iii To approve ‘in principle, subject to internal audit’ the Financial Audit figures for 2021/2022 (Annual Governance and Accounting Return 2021/2022, Form 3) and provide update on internal audit report.
8.iii.1 The proposed AGAR 2021/2022 figures had been previously circulated to Councillors and there were no objections or queries raised.
8.iii.2 The Chairman explained that the usual internal auditor had not been able to conduct the audit this year and that another independent auditor had been sourced.
8.iii.3 She re-confirmed that there had been no queries/comments raised in respect of the internal auditor’s report for 2020/2021 which had been previously circulated to Councillors.
8.iii.4 Proposed by Cllr Mr M Jones, seconded by Cllr Mr D Long
8.iii.5 Vote results - unanimous
8.iii.6 Resolved – to approve the AGAR figures for 2021/2022 ‘in principle, subject to internal audit’ and approve the use of S Moss, Accountants in Sleaford as the internal auditor at a cost of £200.00+VAT as per quote. The Vice Chairman made special mention of the RFO for keeping the Council accounts in good order.
8.iv To receive update on CIL funding and consider donation to Cricket Club
8.iv.1 Cllr Mr R Higgs restated that the Playing Fields had undergone a professional inspection and the results had been that a 7-year rejuvenation programmed would be required to attain and maintain the required standards as laid down by official sporting bodies. Councillors had previously agreed this process and the quote of £51,852+VAT received from Fine Turf had previously been circulated to Councillors with the annual costs being detailed in the report.
8.iv.2 The use of CIL money for this purpose had been agreed by NKDC and was due for release, on the condition that it is ringfenced for this purpose only.
8.iv.3 Cllr Mr R Higgs confirmed that treatment was due to commence in the coming weeks and that, for a number of days, the dog-walking concession would be required to be removed.
8.iv.4 Cllr Mr R Higgs also proposed that a donation of £2,000 be made to the Heckington Cricket Club in order to 50% re-imburse them for the expenditure that they had made for their own inspection and subsequent treatments of the pitch. Seconded by Cllr Mr R Woods
8.iv.5 Vote results – unanimous
8.iv.6 Resolved – to use CIL monies to carry out works to Playing Fields totalling £51,852+VAT over a 7-year period, to rescind the use of the perimeter for dog-walking when necessary during treatment for Health and Safety reasons and to re-imburse Heckington Cricket Club £2,000 towards the cost of their pitch treatments, which allowed them to continue playing.
8.v To consider joint purchase of gazebo with HAVCS
8.v.1 Cllr Mrs J Palmer proposed that the Parish Council pay 50% towards the cost of purchasing a gazebo (£189) for shared use with HAVCS as and when necessary for events etc. Seconded by Cllrs Mr A Garlick and Mr D Long
8.v.2 Vote results – unanimous
8.v.3 Resolved – to incur expenditure of £94.50 for 50% shared use of gazebo as detailed.
9. To receive a report from the Police – none present
10. To receive a report from the County Councillor and District Councillors
10.1 There was no County Council information to present
10.2 the District Councillors confirmed that they were no longer in purdah.
10.3 D/Cllr Mrs S Tarry explained that information can be found on the NKDC website regarding the ‘Home Energy Upgrade Scheme’
District Councillors left the meeting at 20.08pm
11. To receive a report from the Clerk
11.1 The Clerk confirmed that the review of internal policies would be added to the agenda for the June meeting.
12. Receive reports from Councillor’s relating to their affiliation to local organisations and to confirm representation for the following areas of responsibility –
i. Allotments – Cllrs T Atkinson, D Long, M West
ii. Cemetery – Cllrs D Long, R Kemmett
iii. Finance – Cllrs M Jones, R Woods
iv. Village Hall – Cllr T Atkinson
v. Pavilion Tenancy/sports facilities – Cllr R Higgs
vi. Trees & Environmental – Cllrs A Garlick, R Woods
vii. Heckington in Bloom – Cllrs A Garlick, R Woods
viii. Heckington Swimming Pool – Cllr M Cooke
12.2 Resolved without objection to nominate Councillors to the areas of responsibility as listed. Chair and Vice Chair ex officio to all.
12.3 P/Cllr Mr A Garlick reported that the Jubilee Green Canopy plaques had now been attached to the trees recently planted.
12.4 He also reported that Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership had approved a location on Boston Road opposite the cemetery for the siting of the new Speed Indicator Device (SID). He also reported that the current SID on Sleaford Road had recorded a vehicle travelling at 68mph on entry to the village. The fastest vehicle recorded leaving the village was doing 81mph.
13. Planning Matters (The Parish Council does not have the power to approve nor reject applications – it is merely a consultee and can submit comments)
(1) Applications to be ratified
i. 22/22/0478/HOUS – removal of existing conservatory and replacement single storey extension – 21 Christopher Close, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9SA
ii. 22/0426/FUL – Proposed changed of use of land to allow for the siting of 2no. shepherd’s hut and 1 no. timber structure to be used as holiday/spiritual retreats and associated activity room – Court Row Barn, Kyme Road, Heckington Fen, Sleaford, Lincolnshire
iii. 22/0557/HOUS – Proposed single storey side and rear extension to form annexe – 26 Oak Way, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9FG
iv. 22/0306/FUL – Demolition of double garage/workshop and erection of detached bungalow – Land to the rear of 3 Banks Lane, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9QY. Resolved to comment on this application to include concerns about back-to-back, ‘tandem’ development. It was also noted that some of the demolition works requested in the application had already taken place and that neighbouring properties were dealing with a right of access issue.
v. 22/0646/TCA – works to trees as detailed in application – 99 High Street, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9QU
vi. 22/0581/ADV – Erection of illuminated sign displaying business name (Revision of 21/1783/ADV – Erection of illuminated sign displaying business name (retrospective)) – Abbey Parks Farm Shop, Boston Road, East Heckington, Sleaford, Boston
vii. 22/0694/TCA – T1 Eucalyptus located on right hand rear boundary – fell – 3 Church Street, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9RF
viii. 22/0692/TPO – T1 Eucalyptus – fell – 25 New Street, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 8JL
ix. 22/0704/HOUS – Erection of a single storey rear extension – 18 Oak Way, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9FG
x. 22/0716/FUL – Proposed single storey eco-dwelling – Land off Star Fen, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire
(2) Applications approved
i. 22/0433/HOUS – single storey side extension, conversion of existing detached garage to home working studio and widening of existing driveway access – 7 Lambourne Way, Heckington , Sleaford
ii. 22/0402/HOUS – Proposed porch and garage extension – 36 Oak Way, Heckington, Sleaford
(3) Applications refused
i. None received
(4) Applications withdrawn
i. None received
(5) Prior notifications received (information only – no action required from HPC)
i. None received
(6) Planning appeals
None received
14. To receive update from P/Cllr Mrs M Cooke regarding outcome of discussion with HCSP – decision to be made regarding loan repayment outstanding from 2021.
14.1 A written report by P/Cllr Mrs M Cooke had previously been circulated to Councillors.
14.2 She re-iterated that the Pool was an asset to the village and that the Parish Council want to work together to resolve the issue of outstanding monies.
14.3 It was proposed by Cllr Mrs M Cooke to meet with HCSP at the end of their season to review their accounting position and discuss the ability to repay at that time. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs J Palmer, and voted unanimously.
14.4 Resolved – to allow P/Cllr Mrs M Cooke to continue negotiations with HCSP in order to ascertain the level of repayment based on their income at the end of the 2022 season.
15. To discuss works to old play park area by LCC’s contractor Balfour Beatty as part of the initiative ‘Workforce Pledge’ – labour/manpower free of charge, to include removal and disposal of old rubber matting. To ratify the use of this same contractor to lay new surface of ‘grass-crete’ or similar at quoted cost of £17,500 inc VAT for the materials. (Suspension of Financial Regulations - Balfour Beatty are under contract with LCC and therefore HPC are not in a position to obtain quotes)
15.1 Proposed by Cllr Mr T Atkinson, seconded by Cllr Mr M West
15.2 Vote results - unanimous
15.3 Resolved – to incur expenditure for materials as detailed above.
16. The Chairman, with unanimous agreement, moved the item listed in Closed Session on the agenda (item 17.i) to the open meeting, by virtue of the fact that the subject to be discussed is not confidential in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960.
16.1 In carrying out due diligence in respect of the Churchyard handover of responsibility, the Chairman reported that the HPC arborist had conducted a report on the trees on the site, and the work advised amounted to circa £8,000.
16.2 The required maintenance to the wall, as detailed in the church’s own quinquennial report, involves specialist work. P/Cllr Mr R Higgs has been researching the issue and informed the meeting that the walls are 18 inches thick and that, in order to maintain the integral strength of the wall, the requirement is for replacement lime mortar to be injected under pressure.
16.3 The Chairman reminded the meeting that the Churchyard must be handed over in good order and she confirmed that the Clerk had already written to the Church PCC to advise them of both the tree and wall issue.
16.4 A decision as to whether the PC takes the churchyard responsibility (or passes it on to NKDC) will be taken at the next meeting when updates should be available.
17. Was item 16. on agenda – to confirm the next meeting as 27th June 2022
17.1 Meeting confirmed as above
18. Was item 17. on agenda – to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (admissions to Meetings) Act 1960
18.1 Item not required – see item 16. above.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 2054hrs